Bumke Symptom

Bumke's sign is a clinical sign that was described in 1881 by the German psychiatrist Ludwig Bumke. This is a manifestation of hyperkinesia, which is observed in patients with extrapyramidal disorders. It is characterized by micro-movement in the fingers and toes.

Clinical manifestations of Bumke's symptom include wave-like oscillatory movements in the fingers, such as flexion, extension and circular movement of the thumb and the nail phalanges of other fingers. In addition, lip tightening, rapid blinking, and raising and lowering of the eyebrows are common. Often these movements are inappropriate, exaggerated or excessive. They can be silent or loud. In severe cases, the symptom may involve movement of the facial muscles, larynx, and pharynx, causing unclear sounds or slurred speech.

Bumke's sign is often associated with hyperkinetic conditions such as tics, muscle dyskinesias, parkinsonism, Parkinson's disease and dementia. It can occur as a manifestation of a primary pathology or as a side effect from taking certain medications.

Treatment of Bumke's symptom depends on the cause of its occurrence. In some cases, it is enough to stop taking the medications that cause this symptom (for example, antipsychotics or antidepressants). In other cases, treatment may include drugs to treat the underlying pathology associated with Bumke's sign, such as levodopa for Parkinson's disease.

However, treating Bumke's symptom can be difficult and require qualified medical care. Some of these symptoms may be unrecognized and can become a serious problem for the affected patient. Therefore, although Bumka's symptom is caused by drugs and many other pathological processes, it can be harmful to a person, so its symptoms should be quickly assessed and treated.

Burkhholde Symptom is a dermatomotor phenomenon (pupillary sphincter phenomenon, bifurcated medial bundle of Ebner), often accompanied by the spontaneous appearance of blepharospasm and other associated phenomena. The Latin name of the term ombuk can also be a synonym; it is a tracing-paper from the German language - approx. Wikipedia. The term Bumke was introduced by the German histologist R. Boer (1922) to designate the medial papillary line of the skin and is currently not used.

Bumke is a syndrome that occurs with chronic eye disease. It is manifested by periodic constriction of the pupils and squinting. This disease is usually seen in older people