Bourguet Method

Bourget diagnostic method. Author: “Bourget” method was introduced by the French ENT doctor Jacques Bourget in 1897 while studying the morbidity of the upper respiratory tract. Initially, these were simple visual studies. However, already in the 20s, radiography technology appeared. Bourget proposed a technique that allowed scientists to obtain information about the structure of the tissues of the larynx, as well as to identify inflammation of a particular structure. It was a study of the open pharynx, onto which a dye was applied. Then words with vowels were pronounced for several minutes - and during this process a

Bourguet Method - (J. Bourguet, Jean Bourguet; December 30, 1861, Besançon - March 11, 1943, Tusuz) - French otorhinolaryngologist.

Born in Besançon, Switzerland. He received his education at the universities of Narbonne and Strasbourg. Began medical practice in Monaco in 1884. Since 1902 - teacher of pathology of ear, throat, nose and speech diseases at the University of Bordeaux. In 1912 he became a professor of medicine and director of the Institute of Ear and Voice Diseases. Abandoning the methods of the past, French specialists in the field of otolaryngology did not consider recurrent serous otitis media to be a simple infectious process. Bourget revealed an inverse relationship between relapses of otitis media and allergic diseases of the upper respiratory tract. For 8 years, he conducted classes directly with patients who were diagnosed with recurrent otitis media and ulcerations in the vestibule of the middle ear. As a result of the study, a connection between these complaints and