Quick remedy for bags under eyes

Hello, friends! I was once afraid that bags under my eyes would scare me for the rest of my life. I panicked and applied a lot of foundation. I didn’t know how to get rid of bags under my eyes permanently and quickly. In men, such a deficiency is rare, but we often suffer from the hated pouches. I read reviews, asked cosmetologists, and tested some things on myself. Now I’m sharing my experience - what radical methods should be used.


This radical procedure is performed to remove bags under the eyes, strong folds of skin, and to change the shape of the eyes. The operation involves removing excess skin on the lower and upper eyelids and correcting the hypertrophied orbicularis muscle.

It is performed under local anesthesia, but sometimes general anesthesia is used. The blepharoplasty operation itself lasts 30-90 minutes. It all depends on the complexity. Recovery after surgery is quick—you can return home on the day of surgery. Cost from 25-70 thousand rubles (it all depends on the region).

There are several blepharoplasty techniques:

  1. Classical. This surgical method is especially suitable if there is excess skin. The sutures after surgery are removed after 5-7 days. Swelling may appear around the eyes, which goes away after 8-10 days. The swelling disappears, and the exact result is noticeable after 2-3 weeks.
  2. Transconjunctive. It is carried out to remove excess fat (if it is not necessary to remove excess skin). The sutures after surgery dissolve on their own within a few days. After 4 days, if there are no bruises, you can return to a full life.
  3. Endoscopic. The use of a thin endoscope is penetration into the surgical site through intraoral incisions. The method removes bags of fat under the eyes. This method is suitable if there is no excess skin and it does not need to be removed. After the operation there are not even visible traces left.
  4. Laser. Reduces the risk of hematomas and swelling, makes the rehabilitation process and return to a full life faster. Cosmetologists recommend laser removal if the operation is performed on the orbicularis oculi muscle. Scars are rare because... the skin heals easily.

Contraindications are: lactation, pregnancy, oncology, diabetes, decreased blood clotting.

And here are the photos before and after the operation. Both women and men experience a noticeable reduction in bags, bruises and dark circles after the procedure.



In cosmetology, they are used for contouring, which compensates for the lack of tissue in some areas of the body. Bags and dark circles around the eyes appear due to a lack of subcutaneous fat. Anatomically, there is already little fat there, and over time, the fat that is there disappears. As a result, after 16 years, bruises appear, and the reason is simple - the venous vessels are clearly visible. Fillers are gel-like solutions of substances. They are divided into several groups:

  1. Biodegradable. Gels with hyaluronic acid, polylactate, collagen (autologous fillers). Fat tissue is taken from the thighs or abdomen and injected into the desired areas.
  2. Non-absorbable. Fillers with a stable structure are not rejected by the body and do not break down over time. They are based on biopolymer gel, silicone with a stable structure.

The price of the procedure varies between 10-18 thousand rubles, but much depends on the volume of material used and its brand.

To correct skin problems, you can use different fillers. But priority is given to biodegradable and biopolymer (non-absorbable)

Only an experienced cosmetologist should carry out the procedure, because... one wrong move can cause unpleasant external consequences. Makeup is removed and the skin is treated with an antiseptic. Then filler is applied.

For pain relief, local anesthesia is used: a gel is applied to the skin and covered with a film for a third of an hour. The cosmetologist injects the gel under the skin and distributes it evenly. Then a gentle skin massage is performed. The result is remarkable, but immediately after the injection it is not noticeable due to swelling, redness, and injury.

In the video, a cosmetologist shows how to do injections with before and after photos of the patient.

  1. the use of drugs on an area where other compounds have already been used (if permanent fillers were introduced, other similar methods are prohibited);
  2. after surgical blepharoplasty;
  3. oncology;
  4. renal failure, nephropathy;
  5. epilepsy;
  6. blood diseases (clotting disorders);
  7. inflammation on the skin of the face (acute form);
  8. menstruation, lactation, pregnancy;
  9. antibiotics, anticoagulants;
  10. peeling - deep or medium;
  11. hypertrophic and keloid scars.

The body may react inadequately to fillers. Various side effects are possible. These include reactions that occur after the procedure: pain, swelling, red spots, irritation. But these symptoms should go away after a few days.

Hyaluronic acid

What to do if the air is dry and the cold is even more harmful? Hyaluronic acid (polysaccharide) will help. It is included in many anti-aging products. The body produces it itself, but with age the volume decreases. As a result, the skin loses its firmness and elasticity, and wrinkles become deep and large.

Hyaluronic acid moisturizes, eliminates small wrinkles, heals, improves the production of elastin and collagen

The injections smooth out wrinkles because... are introduced into the epidermis. Cells regain their volume, the skin tightens. The procedure lasts 15 minutes, and for correction - 30 minutes. In the before and after photos, the immediate result is barely noticeable, because at first swelling forms on the skin. But after a couple of days they go away and the result is already visible much better. In a year it will be necessary to repeat the procedure, because... the effect is lost over time. The price varies between 7-13 thousand rubles.

It is prohibited to use hyaluronic acid in the following cases:

  1. pregnancy, lactation;
  2. infections, fever;
  3. psoriasis, other types of allergies;
  4. fungi, bacterial diseases, skin cuts;
  5. surgeries with side effects;
  6. the use of hardware procedures together with injections;
  7. decreased blood clotting;
  8. tendency to edema.

After injections, you should not visit the beach, sauna, bathhouse for several days, avoid water procedures and swimming in open water. Also, you should not touch your face with your hands, move your muscles too much, or sleep with your face in the pillow. Physical exercise should also be limited.


Dark circles and excess fat in the eye area can be removed not only through surgery. Mesotherapy is a series of micro-injections into the fatty sac under the eye. The active ingredients dissolve the walls of fat cells and improve circulation in the nasolacrimal area.

Injections with hyaluronic acid are a single drug for mesotherapy. But there are also ready-made mixtures that already contain a complex of vitamins and microelements. Proven drugs are Dermaheal (Dermahil), Filogra, Mesolab, Revitacare and others. Always ask your cosmetologist what is included in ready-made cocktails and what side effects there may be.

Mesotherapy is not addictive, and the effect lasts for several months. The product stimulates the production of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid

Quite often, cosmetologists work with the drug “Dermahil”. It contains biomimetic peptides - these are natural peptides found in the human body. They maintain the level of enzymes in mature cells, stimulate the process of division of immature cells and the maturation of cells. If you use this product, the skin receives protection from free radicals, its level of endurance increases, and the skin renews itself faster.

Side effects of mesotherapy may occur due to intolerance to the components. After the procedure, slight swelling may appear in the injection area, which will subside within 24 hours.

You should not use the mesotherapy method in the following cases:

  1. pregnancy and lactation;
  2. active stage of herpes;
  3. diabetes mellitus;
  4. skin sensitivity;
  5. malignant formations.

A noticeable result after the procedure appears after 1-1.5 weeks. The course consists of 6-10 procedures, which are carried out every 10 days. Then maintenance procedures are needed 1-2 times a month. A cosmetologist should tell you all side effects, contraindications and the number of times.

What helps with bags at home

The most effective remedy you can do at home is lymphatic drainage massage. With it you can successfully fight bags and improve blood circulation. To quickly achieve results, it should be done once every 7 days.

The technique is not complicated, the main thing is to move your fingers very gently over the skin. Use only non-comedogenic massage product. Japanese Asahi massage gives good results. In the article about it, I described in detail the step-by-step movements and video instructions.

And of course, to get rid of bags and circles under the eyes, constantly take care of your health:

  1. get enough sleep (sleep 7-8 hours);
  2. go to bed early (before 10 o’clock, then your skin will remain youthful longer);
  3. perform lymphatic drainage massage daily;
  4. make compresses from birch leaves, sage, parsley, chamomile. Pour hot water over the herb and use after 15 minutes. Keep it on a cotton pad on your eyes for 20 minutes;
  5. Always remove makeup carefully and thoroughly;
  6. health diagnostics once a year - it is always better to treat the cause rather than get rid of one of the results;
  7. use sun protection cream. Apply SPF seasonally.

There are different home methods: simple patches like “Extraplast”, heparin ointment, the advertised Lyoton 1000, lifting cream from “Green Mama”, Lierak “Dioptigel” gel. You can read more about these remedies in my article “how to get rid of bags at home.” I described in detail which ones are effective to use and which ones are better to avoid.

If you want to forget about bags under your eyes forever, use different methods. Take care of yourself at home, use cosmetology methods and surgery. I already realized that only an integrated hike will help me forget about bags forever. Now every time I look in the mirror, I sincerely smile at myself, my beauty.

Bags under the eyes can ruin even the most attractive face. It’s okay if you drank a lot of water the day before, didn’t get enough sleep, and found swelling in the morning. Those who are bothered by this problem quite often should definitely find out the cause and the right ways to get rid of bags under the eyes.

However, do not rush to get scared. Most often, this circumstance is a consequence of a certain lifestyle.

Reasons for appearance

The most common causes of swollen eyes are:

  1. Increased salt content in the body.
  2. Eating spicy food.
  3. Excessive consumption of alcohol and cigarettes.
  4. Long-term lack of sleep.
  5. Nervous tension, overwork.
  6. Excess sleep.
  7. Incorrect position while sleeping.
  8. Careless facial care.
  9. Lack of vitamin D in the body.
  10. Excessive fluid intake at night.
  11. Tears.
  12. Hereditary factor.
  13. Internal problems in the body.

However, as we have already said, if the problem is permanent, hidden, the reasons may be buried much deeper. This:

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Violations of blood circulation and lymph flow.
  3. Allergic reactions to certain cosmetic components or products.
  4. Kidney diseases.
  5. Inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and maxillary sinuses.
  6. Acute respiratory diseases.
  7. Loss of elasticity of the skin associated with age-related changes.
  8. Postoperative period.

Methods for solving the problem

If the issue is purely cosmetic and temporary, getting rid of the bags quickly will not be difficult. At home they will help you:

  1. eyelid compresses;
  2. light massage;
  3. lotions;
  4. ice cubes;
  5. express methods (spoons in the freezer).
  6. masks (from raw potatoes, potatoes and parsley, cucumber, sour cream, honey, lemon).

Express method: cold spoons

As mentioned above, cold has a calming effect on bags under the eyes and relieves swelling. This is a very interesting, but at the same time reliable way to get rid of bags under the eyes at home. Take two spoons and cool them by placing them in the refrigerator or freezer. Apply to the swollen area. Keep it until the spoons get warm. Under the influence of cold, the eyelid tightens well.

Herbal compresses

You can quickly get rid of the effect of puffy eyes using home folk remedies. Chamomile, St. John's wort, string, calendula, mint, sage, oak bark, linden. They have a calming effect and improve blood microcirculation in the soft tissues under the eyes. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of herbs. Strain and cool. Soak cotton pads in the tinctures and apply to the area of ​​swelling.

Lemon juice lotions

Cool the lemon. Squeeze the liquid out of it. Soak cotton pads in it and apply to closed eyes. Hold for 10 minutes.

Tea lotions

You will need one used tea bag. Black, fruity, herbal - at your discretion. Cool it down by placing it in the refrigerator and apply it to each eye one at a time for 10-15 minutes. Or use brewed tea.

Horsetail lotions

Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of chopped and dried horsetail and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool and strain. Apply cotton pads soaked in the infusion around the eyes.

Birch leaf lotions

Young leaves are especially effective. They are not crushed, but simply filled with cold water. Leave for 7-8 hours. Make lotions and compresses and apply to areas of swelling.

Aloe vera lotions

Antioxidants and vitamin E contained in the plant have a beneficial effect on problem areas. Rub the skin around your eyes with aloe vera juice throughout the day, and very soon you will notice amazing results and quick relief from disfiguring bags.

Raw potatoes

Chilled potatoes make wonderful whitening masks. Dip cotton swabs into previously squeezed potato juice and apply to the swelling for 10 minutes.

Light massage

The massage is designed to improve blood flow to the skin, thereby stimulating the flow of oxygen into the tissues. The general relaxing effect that accompanies stroking has a good healing effect on swollen areas - it will strengthen the muscles of the eyelid and lift it.

Ice cubes

Ice copes well with the problem of swelling. Also helps remove bruises. You can use both regular mineral water and herbal cubes. Spend a few seconds, then apply to the problem area.

Honey mask

Folk remedies that almost everyone can use will help you overcome dark circles under your eyes. Honey is a universal product and one of the best helpers in cosmetology. Apply a thin layer of it to the puffiness under your eyes. Leave for a while and rinse with warm water. Some recipes say that you can leave the honey mask under the eyes overnight.

Cucumber mask

For best results, use chilled cucumber. Cut into slices and apply to closed eyes for 15-20 minutes. Do this procedure three times a day.

Potato mask

Get rid of dark circles under the eyes using raw cold potatoes. Apply thick slices to the swollen area around the eyes. Hold for 15-20 minutes.

Sour cream and parsley mask

Chop the parsley, add sour cream, stir. Apply the paste to the area around the eyes. Keep for 20 minutes. Rinse off any remaining residue.

How to quickly get rid of bags in the morning?

It happens like this: everything is fine, there are no illnesses, but in the morning you wake up with swollen eyes. Of course, this problem needs to be solved urgently! Here are 5 ways you can overcome the bags that want to ruin your current appearance.

Of course, it all depends on the time you have during your morning preparations. Therefore, if time permits, use the tips described above: raw potatoes, cucumber, aloe, lemon, herbal infusions and ice cubes will partially or completely help get rid of the problem.

Concealing make-up

Cosmetics you will need:

  1. two concealers;
  2. matting powder;
  3. light pink blush;
  4. light shadows;
  5. lipstick in a delicate peach shade.

Properly applied makeup will help quickly hide the imperfections of puffiness and puffiness under the eyes. To be honest, it is quite difficult to hide dark circles under the eyes under a layer of regular foundation. They will still appear on the skin, while still having a purple tint. Therefore, it is better to use a good concealer for this purpose.

  1. We cover the bags. It should be applied in a thin layer. Ideally, it is better to have two concealers of different shades. The darker one is applied to the entire area of ​​swelling of the lower eyelid, the light one is applied only along the lower edge of the bags, so as not to shade the exact place where the shadow will fall.
  2. We focus on the upper eyelid. To do this, apply light pink blush on the cheekbones, namely from the middle of the cheek to the temple.
  3. There is no need to line the lower eyelid, but it is advisable to line the upper eyelid using a pencil. When finished, blend it out.
  4. Apply light shadows to the area under the eyebrows - highlight the upper eyelid.
  5. In makeup, give an important role to eyebrows. Place them beautifully, make sure they have a shape and are neat. In a word, your task is to focus your attention on them.
  6. Focus on beautifully curled eyelashes or soft, luscious lips.

Pharmacy products

If it turns out that your bags under the eyes are more likely a pathology, you should seek qualified medical help. It may be a good idea to visit a cosmetologist who will find the best solution to this issue for you and prescribe special medicinal cosmetics. This will make getting rid of circles easier and faster.

Angioprotective agents are usually used against swelling under the eyes: medicinal ointments, creams, etc. Troxevasin is a drug that quickly normalizes blood circulation and relieves swelling. They get rid of this problem with the help of hyaluronic acid, which is added to everyday cream. Heparin ointment - nourishes tissue cells, saturates with oxygen, as a result of which swelling recedes and the skin becomes elastic.

Preventing puffiness and bags under the eyes

  1. Take active care of your face.
  2. Use high-quality cosmetics without harmful additives.
  3. Reduce your salt intake.
  4. Drink more water to remove harmful substances and excess salt from the body.
  5. Get at least 8 hours of sleep.
  6. Eliminate bad habits.
  7. Eat right.
  8. Incorporate exercise into your daily routine.

You can get rid of bags under your eyes forever, the main thing is to pay due attention to yourself and your appearance.

In this article we’ll talk about why puffiness appears under the eyes in the morning (a stormy evening the night before is not the only reason). We will also recommend cosmetics that will help eliminate them.

  1. Bags under the eyes: causes of appearance
  2. Quick fix methods
  3. General tips and tricks
  4. Salon treatments
  5. Cosmetics review

Bags under the eyes: causes of appearance

The area around the eyes is naturally prone to fluid accumulation. Loose subcutaneous fat plus thin skin, and even “caves” of the eye sockets are an ideal combination for fluid stagnation. But besides anatomical features, there are several other reasons for the appearance of bags under the eyes and morning puffiness.

The skin around the eyes is prone to puffiness for physiological reasons © iStock

Bags under the eyes can appear even at a young age, in which case it is problematic to completely overcome them with the help of cosmetics. But it is quite possible to reduce it.

If you drink tea and coffee more often than regular water, you are most likely not getting enough fluids. All drinks, except pure water, do not quench the body's thirst, but, on the contrary, act as diuretics. Oddly enough, lack of water provokes fluid stagnation and swelling.

Excess water and salt

If you drink salty foods with liters of water before bed, don't be surprised by bags under your eyes immediately after waking up.

Smoking, alcohol, and excessive consumption of sweets do not have the best effect on the appearance of the skin. Swelling in the morning is proof of this. Drink more pure, still water during parties to stimulate fluid circulation in the body.

Gadget addiction

Monitors and touchscreens are very straining on the eyes. Reconsider your relationship with gadgets or at least take a break every 30-40 minutes when using them for a long time.

Puffiness under the eyes may appear due to the fact that you use regular face cream to care for the skin of the eyelids - it is simply not suitable for this area. Tools designed specifically for this area are needed. Apply the skin cream around the eyes correctly - in the morning and/or an hour and a half before going to bed, so that the product has time to be absorbed. Eyelid cosmetics contain moisturizing ingredients that attract liquid. If you distribute the cream over the skin immediately before bed, the active substances will stagnate in the loose tissue of the eyelids.

Quick fix methods

All emergency measures to eliminate bags under the eyes are aimed at stimulating blood circulation and the outflow of fluid from the eyelid area. Here are the most effective ways.

Bags under the eyes “don’t like” cold and caffeine © iStock

Contrast compress

The change in heat and cold will cause blood vessels to contract, microcirculation to accelerate, and swelling to decrease. The main thing is to avoid extremely high and low temperatures: “ice and fire” is not the best combination for thin eyelid skin.

Lymphatic drainage

Remember a simple technique that will help “disperse” lymph flow.

Walk with light tapping movements of your ring finger from the inner corner of the eye to the ear (towards the nearest lymph node): first along the lower eyelid, then along the upper.

Pinching and stroking brows, move forward from the bridge of the nose to the temples. Repeat several times.

And one more lymphatic drainage exercise.

Stand on your tiptoes.

Press down firmly onto your heels.

Repeat several times. This way you will direct stagnant liquid in the right direction - down to the lymph nodes.

Gymnastics for the eyes

It is useful to give your eyes an unusual load, especially after a night of inactivity or long work in front of a monitor.

Look to the right and slowly move your gaze to the left.

Then up and down.

Then - diagonally.

Repeat the same with your eyes closed.

Cosmetics with caffeine

Caffeine has an excellent ability to speed up all processes in the skin, in particular lymph and blood flow. So this ingredient is most often found in creams and gels for the skin around the eyes.

Cosmetics with menthol

Menthol or mint slightly reduces the temperature of the skin, thereby “awakening” it and relieving puffiness. These components are always present in cosmetics for men - it is especially important for them that the effect is immediate.

Fast walk

Want to get rid of morning puffiness? Find a reason to walk. Twenty minute walk fast (!) step is guaranteed to disperse the liquid and relieve stagnation. Remember, movement is life.

Before any activities aimed at drainage, you need to drink a glass of water.

General tips and tricks

Adherence to a healthy lifestyle will help prevent the appearance of bags under the eyes, and if there is no genetic predisposition, then get rid of them altogether.

Proper nutrition

High-carbohydrate foods, salty foods, as well as processed foods and fast food provoke stagnation in the body. Keep this in mind when deciding to end puffy eyes.

Drinking regime

To prevent fluid from stagnating and your eyes from swelling, drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day (30 ml per 1 kg of weight). Just not before bedtime - many hours of horizontal body position and lack of movement will lead to swelling.

Daily regime

Without proper sleep there is no need to talk about beauty. Eyes tired from continuous daily work need a good rest.

Salon treatments

Any professional care for the skin around the eyes includes special techniques aimed at getting rid of puffiness.

Microcurrents, weak impulses of electric current tone muscles, activate blood circulation and move fluid. As a result, the eyelid skin becomes smoother and more elastic.

Lymphatic drainage massage accompanied by the application of a special mask, often with a cooling effect. The result is visible immediately, but to consolidate it you will need a course of procedures and regular repetition.

Cosmetics review

Remember: all products that you apply to the skin around your eyes must pass ophthalmological control, do not cause irritation and do not provoke swelling. Apply eye cream in the evening 1.5 hours before bedtime.