Cardiomegaly Glycogenous

Glucose-dependent cardiomegaly Cardiomegaly is an increase in the size of the heart, which can be caused by various reasons. One of these reasons is glycolytic cardiomegaly. This condition occurs when the heart muscle produces large amounts of glucose, which is then converted into glycogen, a special type of carbohydrate.

With glycogenic cardiomegaly, the heart becomes large and heavy due to the increased glycogen content in the myocardial cells. This process can occur both in response to serious diseases and under the influence of other factors, for example, excess consumption of carbohydrates or diabetes.

Symptoms of glycolytic cardiomegaly * Chest pain * Shortness of breath * Fatigue * Decreased physical activity * Increased heart rate * High blood pressure * Edema * Sleep problems * Loss of appetite It is important to understand that the symptoms of cardiomegaly may not appear immediately, but only after some time, sometimes in for several years. However, over time, the symptoms will become more pronounced and severe as the heart muscle cannot function properly.