Castor bean

Castor bean: a medicinal plant with poisonous seeds

Castor bean (lat. Ricinus communis) is a plant from the euphorbia family (Euphorbiaceae), which grows in all relatively warm countries. The castor bean is native to tropical Africa or possibly India. Currently, this plant is used in medicine and cosmetology due to its healing effects, but is also known for its poisonous properties.

The castor bean can be a small tree, shrub, or annual herb, depending on where it grows. There are about 20 varieties of this plant, which differ in size, shape and the nature of the spiny covering of the fruit-boxes. Long-petiolate, large, shield-shaped leaves are dissected into 7-11 lobes with a serrated edge. Flowers grouped in bunches are located in the apical panicle; on top - women's, below - men's. The fruits are smooth or spiny, split into 3 bilobed nests, each containing a seed.

Castor bean seeds contain up to 87% castor oil, which consists mainly of ricinolic acid glycerides, as well as glycerides of other fatty acids. Along with fatty oil, the seeds contain protein substances, and above all the extremely poisonous ricin. 10 seeds are enough to kill a person.

In medicine, castor bean is used mainly as a laxative. Castor oil, obtained from castor bean seeds, due to its mild irritant effect on the intestines, causes peristalsis and improves its functioning. For acute constipation, castor oil works reliably - usually 1 tablespoon is enough. However, more than 2 tablespoons should not be taken, since the effect cannot be enhanced in this way. Castor oil is also added to medicinal and cosmetic hair water, which has a beneficial effect on dry scalp and makes brittle hair more flexible. A little castor oil also contains nail polish remover.

Despite its medicinal properties, castor bean is also known for its poisonous properties. Castor bean seeds are deadly poisonous and should not be ingested. In pharmacies, castor oil is sold in the form of castor oil under the pharmaceutical name "Ricini oleum" (formerly: Oleum Ricini). However, if you have chronic constipation, long-term use of castor oil should be avoided, as its excess can lead to stomach dysfunction due to excess fat.

In conclusion, castor bean is a plant with valuable healing properties that can be used in medicine and cosmetology. However, it is necessary to remember that castor bean seeds are toxic and not to ingest them. When using castor oil as a laxative, you must follow the dosage and not exceed the recommended dose. In general, castor bean is a plant that should be used with caution and only as prescribed by a doctor or cosmetologist.