Cataract and Belmo

Cataracts and cataracts: causes, treatment and folk remedies

Cataracts and cataracts are two different eye diseases that can lead to vision impairment and even vision loss. Cataracts are one of the most common causes of blindness in older people, while cataracts can result from injury or other causes. In this article we will look at the causes of cataracts and cataracts, as well as methods of their treatment, including folk remedies.

Cataracts - causes and treatment

A cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye that usually develops over time. Some people are at risk of developing cataracts earlier than others, such as people with diabetes and those who drink alcohol or smoke.

Surgery is the only way to get rid of cataracts. During this procedure, the surgeon removes the clouded lens and replaces it with an artificial one. In some cases, when cataracts are not yet very developed, you can delay their growth by taking riboflavin (vitamin B2).

Belmo - causes and treatment

A cataract is a whitish spot that often remains on the eye from an injury to the cornea. It can cause blurred vision and discomfort.

In some cases, the cataract can be treated by scraping, but not always. In such situations, you can use folk remedies.

Folk remedies for cataracts

  1. Infusion of eyebright herb

You need to put a lotion made from an infusion of eyebright herb on your eye for a while. You can drink the same infusion or simply eat the powder of this herb on the tip of a knife every day in a spoonful of water. When the redness in the eye goes away, start blowing powdered sugar into the eye. You need to inhale little by little, but every day. You'll have to tinker for a long time, but eventually the thorn goes away. If redness appears during insufflation, you must temporarily stop it until it goes away, and then insufflate again. There is no need to worry that a lot of tears may appear with this irritation, since tears are a powerful remedy against putrefactive bacteria. Nature itself, filling the eyes with tears when they are injured, provides a remedy against harmful bacteria that may enter the eyes at this time.

  1. Rye bread

Take fresh, just baked rye bread, cut a hole on the top of the bread the diameter of the glass and place the glass in the hole with the bottom up very tightly. Drops form inside the glass, which must be injected into the sore eye every day. The thorn is gradually disappearing.

Folk remedy for temporary vision loss

Sometimes people can temporarily lose their vision as a result of nervous shock, such as after a car accident. In this case, you can use the following folk remedy: hard-boil an egg, cut it in half, remove the yolk while hot, and place the hot white with the empty middle on the eye for a few minutes. The white should fit snugly around the circumference of the eye, without touching the eye itself.

It is important to remember that for any eye problems, it is better to consult a specialist doctor, as he will be able to give the most accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. Folk remedies can only help in some cases, but are not a panacea. Therefore, if you have any vision problems, do not delay visiting your doctor.