Centrocerebral (Septrencephalic)

Centrocerebral (Septrencephalic) - (in electroencephalography) is used to describe electrical discharges that can be simultaneously recorded from different parts of the brain. The source of such brain activity is the reticular formation - an extended structure located in the brain stem, including the midbrain. Centrencephalic epilepsy is usually accompanied by a person’s congenital predisposition to epileptic seizures.

Centrencephalic is a concept that is used in electroencephalography to describe electrical discharges recorded from different parts of the brain simultaneously. This brain activity has its source in the reticular formation located in the brainstem, including the midbrain.

Centroencephalic epilepsy is a form of epilepsy that is usually accompanied by a person's congenital predisposition to epileptic seizures. It may manifest as short-term seizures or loss of consciousness, which may occur suddenly and without warning. Centrifugal seizures are often difficult to control with medication and can cause serious disturbances in the patient's behavior and quality of life.

Understanding the central cerebral activity of the brain is of great importance for the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy. Electroencephalography (EEG) is an important tool for studying the central functions of the brain and determining the source of epileptic discharges. By using EEG, doctors can obtain detailed information about patterns of brain activity, which can help determine the best approach to treating epilepsy.

Despite advances in the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy, many aspects of central brain activity remain unknown. Research in this area continues, and it is hoped that future discoveries will lead to more effective methods for diagnosing and treating epilepsy and other diseases associated with central brain activity.

In conclusion, central brain activity is an important area of ​​research in neuroscience. This activity is not only associated with epilepsy, but also with other diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Understanding the central cerebral activity of the brain can help improve the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases, ultimately leading to an improved quality of life for patients.

***Article "Centralcephalus" or "Septrancephalus"***

We all know the word "central" well, but how is it translated into English? In this article we will look at the term "centroencephal" as used in electroencephalology.

***General description of the term "centrancephal"*** Electricity usually finds a large percentage of common features in our changes in electrophysiological studies. Electrical waves are generated by the electrical activity of neurons as each neuron transmits signals via its own chemical pathway to other neurons. Such electrical waves come from the brain and affect the heart, causing it to work. However, there is something else in our body that can generate electrical signals: Electromagnetic fields. There is a term centrancephal used in electroencephalology that literally refers to the recording of electrical waves from all parts of the brain simultaneously.

The source of electricity necessary for the functioning of