Chapter 7. Kitchen – Fun Lab

The kitchen can serve not only as a place for cooking, but also for intimate, confidential conversations, jokes and fun. And besides, the kitchen is an excellent school where the child acquires useful skills, knowledge and becomes familiar with concepts such as measurement and labor organization.

Whip up the foam
Children love to whip eggs or cream into foam. This simple activity will help develop the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle.

Transfer the object with tongs
Let your baby use tongs to transfer some small objects from one container to another. This will develop coordination of movements.

Make a face
Invite your child to make eyes, nose, and mouth out of vegetables, fruits, and cheese. You will get a cheerful face.

Dessert only
Help your child prepare a simple dessert - mousse, jelly, compote. This will be a pleasant end to lunch.

Prepare breakfast
Give your child the opportunity to take part in preparing breakfast - let him cut the bread and sprinkle cheese on the omelet.

Billiards in the kitchen
Invent a game of billiards using a table as the playing field and spoons or forks as a cue.

Touch and find out
Hide various items in a bag or box. Let the baby determine by touch what it is.

Wash the vegetables
Give your child the opportunity to wash vegetables and fruits. This is a useful activity.

Chef's Choice
Let your child choose what to cook for dinner. Consider his wishes.

Prepare several dishes and arrange a tasting. Let your baby appreciate your culinary skills.

The nose knows
Play a game to identify the smells of spices, vegetables, and fruits.

Play with the dough
Let your child work with the dough - roll it out, cut out shapes. It's a fun activity.

Watercolor paints
Invite your child to color milk or sour cream with food coloring diluted in water.

Pictures with salt
Place a thin layer of salt on the tray and encourage your child to finger paint on it.

Composition of grains
Place patterns of cereals and pasta on a plate with your baby.

Kitchen design
Build a house, a tower, a robot from different products and kitchen utensils.

Order in the kitchen
In a playful way, teach your child to clean up the kitchen - wipe the table, wash the dishes.

Bowling game in the kitchen
Build a bowling alley from empty plastic bottles. Play together with your baby.

Kitchen gifts
Together with your child, bake cookies, prepare jam to give to grandparents or friends.

Washing dishes is a pleasure
Make washing dishes a fun activity - let your baby play with great desire.

Inedible cookies
Bake cookies from clay or plasticine. Let the baby decorate it to his liking.

Chalk pancakes
Make chalk pancakes with your child and color them.

You heard?
Take a quiz to identify the sounds of kitchen appliances running.

Culinary dictionary
Explain to your child the meaning of various culinary terms, names of dishes, and products.

Use the cooking process to teach counting - count carrots, apples, spoons of sugar.

As children get older, they can truly learn how to cook, which will undoubtedly benefit them in the future. Everything that has to do with the process of cooking is extremely attractive to children. Of course, precautions are required to protect them from burns, electric shocks, poisoning and injuries from sharp objects. But if you take care of safety, you will get another chance to have a pleasant and useful time.

There are many activities related to cooking in which the child will willingly take part. On weekends, you can spend the whole evening with your baby in the kitchen, and you will feel good and cozy together. Try using what we offer and maybe you'll come up with your own recipes for kitchen activities.