What is better to remove papillomas - laser or nitrogen?

What is better to remove papilloma - laser or nitrogen?

The content of the article:
  1. Laser removal of papillomas
  2. Removal of papillomas with liquid nitrogen
  3. The better to delete

Papillomas are mostly benign growths that can be removed in several ways. The most popular methods are laser therapy and cryodestruction, which involves destroying the growth with liquid nitrogen. Both techniques have their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. In this article we will understand which procedure is better to choose.

Description of the process of removing papillomas with a laser

Laser removal of papilloma

The photo shows the process of laser papilloma removal

When choosing between removing papilloma with a laser or nitrogen, you need to remember that the first involves exposing it to a beam of certain parameters (length, intensity). It penetrates deep into the tissue and destroys the growth along with the root. On average, this procedure lasts 20-30 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia to eliminate discomfort. These manipulations are performed by a cosmetologist, dermatologist or physiotherapist.

Laser therapy has the following advantages:

  1. Minimal trauma. During the procedure, only problem areas are involved in the process, healthy tissues are not affected. Also, the walls of the blood vessels are not damaged, thereby preventing the opening of bleeding and the appearance of hematomas. When choosing to remove papillomas with laser or nitrogen, you need to understand that in the first case it is possible to avoid the formation of scars and scars.
  2. Sterility of the procedure. Due to the fact that there is no tissue incision, no scalpel is used and the appearance of blood is excluded, it is possible to prevent infection. Despite this, just in case, doctors still use antiseptics to treat the skin before the procedure and after its completion.
  3. Suitable for removing papilloma in different areas. This option is relevant when formations are located on the face, genitals, mucous membranes, on the body - arms, legs, under the arms, on the fingers and neck. But it will not be possible to remove many growths at one time, otherwise the cost will increase significantly.
  4. Affordable price. When thinking that it is better to choose a laser or nitrogen to remove papilloma, you need to take into account that in the first case, on average, you need to pay 300 rubles, depending on its size. Moreover, in small cities the cost in medical centers is even lower, so by going there you can save a little.
  5. Wide choose. It is provided in almost every medical center, as well as in beauty salons. But at the same time, a specialist who is ready to undertake such a procedure must have permission to do so.

The peculiarity of laser therapy is that to remove papilloma a person does not need to go to the hospital; an outpatient visit to a doctor is enough. Immediately after the session is completed, he can go home.

If you are hesitating whether to choose laser or nitrogen removal of papilloma, you need to pay attention to the fact that the use of the former also has its disadvantages. These include, first of all, the difficulty of analyzing the tumor after the procedure for the presence of malignant cells. The fact is that as a result of this procedure, the growth evaporates, and there is simply nothing to send for histology. Therefore, he is checked for oncology before the start of the session. It is for this reason that a suspicious formation is recommended to be removed only surgically, using a scalpel.

If you have not yet decided on the choice of laser or nitrogen to remove papilloma, then it is worth knowing that there are a number of contraindications to using the former, which are much wider than those of cryodestruction. This method of getting rid of the growth is not suitable for pregnant women, who are better off waiting until childbirth. It is also not recommended to choose it if you have chronic skin diseases - dermatitis, eczema and the like. Laser therapy is also contraindicated for women during breastfeeding, people with diabetes, especially type 1, and cancer patients.

For those who do not know what is better to remove papillomas - laser or nitrogen, it is worth considering that to carry out the procedure using the former, a special device with CO2 is used, which allows you to accurately influence the growth. The procedure begins with examining him and applying an anesthetic cream. Next, the doctor adjusts the installation, and in short pulses the beam is delivered to the formation. After the procedure, the patient may feel a slight burning and tingling sensation, which usually goes away within a few hours.

Upon completion of the procedure, regenerating agents like Levomekol can be applied to the skin, which accelerate the healing of the treated areas. Usually it is lubricated with a bandage, which is fixed on the problem area and left for 1-2 days. After this time, it is recommended to consult a specialist for examination to exclude possible complications.

  1. Read also about the results of laser papilloma removal

Description of the process of removing papillomas with liquid nitrogen

Removing papilloma with liquid nitrogen

The photo shows the process of removing papilloma with liquid nitrogen

Not knowing what is better to remove papillomas - laser or nitrogen, first of all it is worth considering that the use of the latter is more atraumatic. The basis of cryodestruction is the effect on the formation of low temperatures. By freezing the growth, the doctor is able to destroy the cells affected by the virus and start the process of its decay. After some time, not a trace remains of the formation.

In the first few days after applying liquid nitrogen, the skin may experience redness and slight swelling, but this usually goes away on its own. If this does not happen, you need to consult your doctor.

Those who are not sure whether to choose laser or liquid nitrogen to eliminate papillomas need to analyze the advantages of using the latter:

  1. Safety. Cryodestruction allows you to freeze only the papilloma itself, without affecting healthy tissue. Thus, the likelihood of scar formation is reduced to almost zero. It also helps to avoid bleeding and tissue infection.
  2. Removal speed. One session usually lasts no more than 20 minutes, and this is most often enough to successfully remove the growth. But even if you need to visit a specialist a second time, there is no need to take a break; you can consult a doctor right away.
  3. Fast recovery. If you are not yet sure which is better for eliminating papilloma - laser or nitrogen, then you will be interested to know that after using the latter, the growth “dries out” within about 2-3 days. After a few more days, the resulting scab disappears from the skin, complete regeneration occurs 1-2 weeks after the procedure.
  4. Ease of implementation. Essentially, nothing other than liquid nitrogen is required to perform this procedure. It is simply applied to the problem area and left for a certain time to destroy the growth. Most often, anesthesia is not even required, since there is usually no discomfort.

For those who are not yet sure whether it is better to choose a laser or nitrogen to remove papilloma, you need to remember that the peculiarity of cryodestruction is that it is not always convenient to remove growths on the stem with its help, since the agent used here cannot penetrate deep into the tissue . Because of this, its base remains in the skin, and in the future it can provoke a relapse. It is also very important that this procedure allows you to simultaneously eliminate several tumors located in the same area. This way you can save time and money.

Those who are thinking about whether it is better to remove papillomas - laser or nitrogen - need to understand that the main disadvantage of cryodestruction is the inability to eliminate the virus, which can cause a relapse. Also, this method is not very suitable for eliminating growth on mucous membranes, in intimate places and on the face, especially on the eyelids. Getting it into the eyes can cause severe burning and burning, and lead to vision impairment. The disadvantage of this method is that there is a certain likelihood of allergies to liquid nitrogen and low temperatures, as a result of which the skin usually turns red and irritated.

If you do not know what is better to remove papillomas - laser or nitrogen, it will be useful for you to know that another disadvantage of using the latter is the inability to eliminate large growths. The reason for this is extensive tissue damage, which almost always occurs in this case. Also, after the procedure, it is possible to release ichor, which occurs when the bubble ruptures as a result of the burn.

Before removing papillomas with laser or nitrogen, it is better to consult a doctor first. He will talk about the features of both procedures, including the fact that if you choose cryodestruction after it is performed, you should not moisturize the skin in the first few days, this can slow down the process of scab formation. It is important to avoid chemical and mechanical effects on the problem area. If a papilloma has been removed from the face, then you should temporarily stop using decorative cosmetics. Also, you should not stay in direct sunlight for a long time.
  1. Read also about the results of removing papilloma with liquid nitrogen

What is better to remove papillomas - laser or nitrogen?

Inspection of papilloma before laser or nitrogen removal

Those who are trying to decide what is better to remove papillomas - with a laser or nitrogen, must take into account that if we are talking about the location of growths on the mucous membranes and face, then the first method will be more relevant. It’s worth paying attention to for those who don’t have many growths on their skin, since it’s quite difficult to eliminate a large number of growths in one go. If the need arises, then the ideal choice would be the use of liquid nitrogen.

When in doubt about the choice between nitrogen and a laser to remove papilloma, you need to pay attention to the fact that using the first costs less, so it can be chosen by those who want to save a little. If the financial side of the issue is not fundamentally important, then choosing a laser will be quite successful. But it is necessary to take into account that cryodestruction is best suited for eliminating flat papillomas that do not have a stalk, while the laser effectively copes with both.

The best way to remove papillomas - look at the video:

If you are still not sure which is better for removing papilloma - laser or nitrogen, then you should contact a dermatologist or cosmetologist who will help you navigate this issue. The difficulty in choosing between two procedures carried out using them lies in the fact that in different situations only one of them, or both methods at the same time, may be relevant.

  1. Article on the topic: What is better to remove papillomas - laser or electrocoagulation