Chemotherapy Antitumor Intra-arterial

Chemotherapy as an option to combat malignant tumors is a fairly effective method, but less convenient to use than chemoembolization. Traditional methods of systemically administered chemotherapy prescribe tablets, pills, etc. In this method, chemotherapy may attack healthy tissues in the patient's body and may lead to treatment failure. Moreover, due to the low concentration of drugs in the affected area, the arterial arteriopathic drug is dispersed in the body area and does not directly affect the tumor cells, which affects the level of effectiveness of therapy.

Regional intra-arterial chemotherapy is used to treat patients with cancer. Medicines are injected into an artery that supplies the tumor tissue with oxygen. This makes it possible to increase the concentration of chemotherapeutic substances in a malignant tumor, thereby increasing the effectiveness of treatment. Intravenous therapy helps reduce the total dose of medications, they act on the tumor faster

Chemotherapy is one of the main methods of treating cancer. It involves the use of drugs that attack cancer cells and slow down their growth and spread. Intra-arterial administration is a new technique that is used to increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy. This article talks about what antitumor chemotherapy is and how it is carried out.

Chemotherapy is a method of treating tumors that involves introducing drugs into the body. These drugs are usually given through a vein or as tablets or injections. However, in some cases it is necessary to use a different technique for administering drugs.


Intra-arterial chemotherapy (intra-arterial regimen) is used to deliver anticancer drugs directly to the tumor. This method involves introducing