
An idiogram is a graphical representation of data that is used to analyze and visualize information. It is a chart that displays data as points, lines, or other shapes.

An idiogram can be used to display various types of data such as numerical values, time series, geographic data, etc. It allows you to quickly and clearly see the main trends and patterns in the data.

One example of an idiogram is a histogram, which is a bar chart where the height of each bar corresponds to a specific value. A histogram is used to visualize the distribution of numerical data and allows you to quickly determine which values ​​occur most often and which values ​​occur less frequently.

Another example of an idiogram is a pie chart, which is used to display the percentage of different elements in a set of data. A pie chart allows you to quickly assess which element is most important and which is less important.

Thus, the idiogram is a powerful tool for data analysis and information visualization that can help quickly and effectively identify key trends and patterns in data.

An idiogram is the result of a study that is used to determine the nature and type of hereditary developmental pathology using the methods of molecular genetics, cytogenetics and the like. An idiogram is a graphic image that demonstrates in the most visual form the results of mutations, the specificity of the action of a gene, and its rarity in representatives of a certain population. Idiograms can be classified according to the following parameters: haploid, identical, concordant