
Cholecestohepatositis is a pathological process in which both the gallbladder and the liver are simultaneously affected. This disease can occur in both acute and chronic forms.

The danger of cholecestohepatitis is that the disease can lead to serious complications. So, as a result of a biliary tract infection, cholelithiasis or obstructive jaundice can develop. Also quite often with cholecystitis, intrahepatic block and associated complications occur, including portal hypertension. Even with an uncomplicated course, cholecystitis often causes cholestasis and causes serious

Cholecystehepatitis. Introduction.

Cholecystihepatitis (CH) is a complex disease that combines inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) and liver (hepatitis). It occurs due to the effects of bacteria, viruses or other infectious agents on the gallbladder and liver. CG can present with a variety of symptoms, including pain in the right hypochondrium, jaundice, malaise and nausea. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatment of cholecystitis, hepatitis.

Symptoms of cholecystigopatitis. CG has several symptoms that can occur in different combinations. Usually this is: - Pain in the right side of the abdomen. Patients often complain of pain in the right lower quadrant


Cholecyst?oge?pa?ti?t lat. chole cystohe, hepati, gastroenteropathy, liver disease c, Greek τί - intestines, liver inflammation, acute or chronic with damage to the liver, biliary tract and gall bladder. I am against cholecystitis. This disease is terrible. It can lead to serious consequences for human health, including death.

Symptoms of mycholeukola hepatitis may include