
Choledochography is a method for studying the bile ducts, which allows you to determine their condition and identify possible disorders. This method is based on the introduction of a contrast agent into the bile ducts, which allows one to obtain an image of the ducts on an x-ray.

A choledochogram allows you to evaluate the condition of the bile ducts and detect possible abnormalities such as stones, tumors or other pathological changes. This method is also used to monitor the treatment of bile duct diseases.

To conduct choledochography, a special device is used - a choledochograph, which consists of an X-ray machine and a special catheter for introducing a contrast agent into the bile ducts. The procedure is carried out under the supervision of a radiologist who monitors the patient’s condition and controls the process of contrast administration.

After administration of the contrast agent, the patient must lie on his stomach for several minutes to allow the contrast to spread through the bile ducts. A series of x-rays are then taken to provide an image of the bile ducts.

This method allows you to obtain information about the condition of the bile ducts and identify possible problems that can lead to serious diseases. Choledochography is an important method for diagnosing and monitoring the treatment of bile ducts in patients with diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

The common bile duct is the common hepatic choleretic duct in the human body, which connects the liver and duodenum. The bile duct begins in the hepatocytes of the liver and has a length of about 7 cm. The common bile duct is an important anatomical structure in the digestive process, ensuring the movement of bile from the liver to the duodenum and back.

How does the functioning of the bile duct affect health? The common bile duct, or, as it is also called, the bile duct (bile duct), is one of the important organs of the gastrointestinal tract. There is an assumption that the condition of other abdominal organs depends on the condition of the bile duct. In particular the gallbladder. The chief physician of the CityMed medical center, Vladimir Zuikov, told Uchitelskaya Gazeta about this. He also confirmed that gallbladder dysfunction manifests itself in the same way as liver problems. The bile duct emerges from the bile lobes of the liver, bends around its body from behind and opens into the descending part of the duodenum. That is, its length is from 5 to 8 cm. “The bile duct is called the common bile duct - it is not just a hole where bile collects. This name is due to the fact that the common bile tree flows into it: one part comes from the gallbladder, the second from a liver lobule,” the expert explained. According to the dentist, with inflammation in the ducts, bile enters the stomach, esophagus, and lower parts of the respiratory system. This can cause their damage and the development of serious complications. You should not think if a person has a stomach ache - this has nothing to do with problems in the bile duct.