Cholesterol-controlling drugs only help men

The patient's gender is extremely important. This is proven by the latest study on the effectiveness of statins in controlling cholesterol. As it turned out, these drugs work better in the body of men, preventing death and strokes, writes The Daily Mail.

The Columbia University study was based on data from 43,000 people (one fifth of them women). Thus, taking statins for men reduced the risk of death by 21%, and the likelihood of strokes by 19%. But for women, the drugs were not so effective.

Commented study leader Jose Gutierrez: “In women, there was no significant difference between taking placebo and statins. Why the drugs work this way is difficult to say. It may be necessary to test them on more women. Hormonal differences also likely play a role.”

It must be said that last month Oxford University published the results of its work, according to which statins can save 2,000 lives of patients a year, regardless of their gender.
