Chondromatous osteoblastoma

Osteoblastic chondroma is a rare tumor of ectoderm (epithelial tissue) that occurs primarily in adults. As a rule, it is single and located in the body or distal part of the bone. Its morphological structure consists of atypically differentiated histiocytic, osteoid cells, without pronounced fibrosis of the intercellular matrix. Osteochondroma has a poor tendency to become malignant and has a recurrence rate of 20% to 30% in the subsequent period. Osteoblastic chondromas are usually removed conservatively with open surgery, preserving minimal normal bone tissue and conservative resection of the overlying joint.

You can prevent the further spread of chondroma: - Maintain general health, eat right - a balanced menu will improve metabolic processes, increase immunity, and minimize the risk of relapses; - Follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle - quit bad habits, undergo medical examination in a timely manner. Examinations will identify all possible diseases