Cyclocoagulation Laser

For centuries, people have struggled with scars from injury or surgery. Modern medicine offers several ways to get rid of such marks on the skin. However, despite all the achievements of modern medicine, many methods of treating scars and stitches remain popular. One of them is laser cyclocoagulation. This is a modern procedure that allows you to remove scars on the body, improve the appearance of the skin and restore its elasticity.

The features of this procedure are as follows: The laser method is completely painless for the patient. The advantages of this technique include the absence of side effects that may occur when using other methods. After laser cyclocoagulation, the patient is prescribed preventive measures aimed at accelerating tissue regeneration. The laser procedure is most often recommended for young patients without serious health problems between the ages of 20 and 35. What could be an alternative to laser scar removal? It is believed that surgical resurfacing can eliminate even large and old scars with a long rehabilitation period. The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia, so surgical excision of large scars is not always possible. If this method does not bring the desired results, experts advise using the following approach to the problem - mesotherapy or plasma lifting; the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and does not require a long recovery time.