Clogged Eyes

Clogged eye

If a speck gets into your eye, you should not rub your eyes towards your temple, but vice versa - towards your nose. Then the speck will easily come out with the help of tears or water.

If lime gets into the eye, for example, when whitewashing an apartment, then you need to quickly prepare a saturated sugar solution and thoroughly moisten the eye with it, trying to open the eye.

Sugar, combining with lime, destroys the harmful effects of lime, the pain quickly subsides, and inflammation also stops. But if you miss time, the lime will disperse and can corrode the eye, especially if a lot of it gets in.

Provençal oil also helps with lime, but less so.

A saturated solution is a solution of such thickness that sugar can no longer dissolve, remaining at the bottom of the vessel. Persons involved in whitewashing apartments should always have such a ready-made solution in stock.

If coal gets into your eye, try to move your eye around in your “orbit” three times, and then rinse it with water. Or try to remove the coal using a piece of wet cotton wool or paper rolled into a tube.

Licking a speck out of your eye with your tongue is a sure and quick method, but only when a healthy and experienced person undertakes it. Otherwise, dangerous results may occur.

Iron filings can be easily pulled out of the eye with a magnet.