Codivilla Needle Holder

Codivillas Iglogerdler is an Italian surgeon who in the 19th century developed a unique instrument for performing surgical operations.
He was born in Italy in 1861 and educated at the University of Pavia. In 1890, Codivilla moved to the United States and began working at a hospital in New York.

One of his most famous inventions was the needle holder, which allowed operations to be performed without the risk of tissue damage. Codivilla's needle holder was made of metal and shaped like the letter “U”. It allowed the needle to be held in place during the operation.
Codivilla also developed other instruments for surgery, including the scalpel and scissors.

However, despite all his achievements, Codivilla is not widely known in the world of medicine. His inventions were forgotten, and he himself died in poverty in 1912.
Today, the Codivilla needle holder is one of the oldest and simplest surgical instruments. It is still used today in some hospitals and educational institutions.

Codivillas Needle Holder is an Italian surgeon who developed a needle holder for surgical operations.

Born in 1861 in Italy. In 1885 he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Turin. From 1890 he worked in a clinic in Rome. In 1900 he moved to Milan, where he worked as an assistant professor.

Codivillas Needleholder was known for his work in the field of surgery. He developed a needle holder that allowed operations to be performed without the risk of tissue damage. This instrument became widely used in medicine and is still used in some clinics.

In addition, Codivilla Igoderzhatel was involved in cancer research. He studied its causes and methods of treatment. The results of his work were published in scientific journals.

He died in 1912 in Milan.