Coin Column (Rouleau, Pl. Rouleaux)

Column Coin (Rouleau, Pl. Rouleaux) is a cylindrical structure in the blood, formed by many red blood cells lying on top of each other and with edges stuck together.

Red blood cells normally have the shape of a biconcave disc and move freely in the bloodstream. However, under certain conditions they can lose their mobility and begin to stick together, forming columns or rouléaux.

Reasons for the formation of coin columns:

  1. Increased plasma viscosity, for example, with increased levels of acute-phase inflammatory proteins.

  2. Disturbances in the composition of erythrocyte membranes.

  3. Slowing blood flow.

The presence of a large number of coin columns can interfere with normal blood flow in the microvasculature and disrupt the delivery of oxygen to tissues.

Therefore, the formation of ruleo is one of the signs of pathological processes in the body. Determination of coin columns is important for the diagnosis and monitoring of diseases such as inflammation, infections, tumor processes, diabetes mellitus and others.

Article “Coin Column”



1. Definition, structure of a coin column

2. Clinical significance of studying microcytic forms in stained blood products

3. Physical properties of a coin column. Interpretation of FEC indicators

4. Conclusion


In medical practice, the number of cases of development of pathological conditions associated with changes in blood composition is constantly growing. Due to this, their diversity is also increasing. A blood test is of high diagnostic value to identify possible health problems. In addition to red blood cells and hemoglobin, one of the types of such studies is a blood test for the content of the types of cells undergoing such changes. Studies of this kind are carried out due to loss of control and disruption of the general balance in the composition of the blood.

When all the blood in the bloodstream is divided into lobules and consists of many columns with bridges between them, this condition in the blood is called “columnar company”, and the phenomenon itself is called “myelofibrosis” in medicine. This disease occurs due to the growth and proliferation of granular lymphoid cells in the bone marrow. This reaction occurs as a consequence of a congenital pathology of the hematopoietic system or due to the consequences of radiation and chemotherapy after cancer. To study the problem in medical institutions, special fluorescent lamps or more complex detection techniques using special lenses and microscopes are used. Some stages of this disease are easily diagnosed by visual examination by a laboratory doctor, for example, only by identifying a ring of coins.

There are a huge number of types of cells in the blood, and blood-related diseases are no less diverse. One such phenomenon, called the coiled structure of blood into a cylindrical shape, is a coin column. This diagnosis is difficult to diagnose due to its similarity to other diseases. Columnar structures of red blood cells may be one of the signs of anemia or chronic cardiovascular disease. It is important to conduct a thorough examination and diagnosis to be sure of a specific diagnosis. And also start treatment on time. This condition requires contacting a hematologist. This is a specialist who studies morphological pathologies that arise in the blood system.

So, what is a coin in the blood (rouleau)? A columnar platelet is a blood clot in the shape of a cylinder or rod. This type of platelet aggregation is of concern to patients and their families due to its association with multiple types of diseases. For example, aggregations of lamellar platelets are observed in inflammatory conditions, after injury, in the case of a malignant neoplasm of the blood or an allergic reaction. Such plugs are common in both children and adults; mostly men. Doctors tend to associate the presence of columns in the patient’s body fluids with blood thickening and capillary blockage. Newborns are most susceptible to diseases of the “columnar” circulatory system. Blood rolls may indicate severe disorders of the circulatory system, such as polycythemia, thalassemia and sometimes diseases of the blood system.

Coin test for polycythemia is a type of aggregation test that shows increased hemoglobin levels in the body, which can be caused by various reasons, such as iron deficiency, increased erythropoietin levels and others. People with polycythemia usually have an excess of red blood cells in their blood and often have abnormally high hemoglobin levels. In thalassemia, the presence of rollene is an indicator of the severity of the disease. The main cause of thalassemia is unbalanced production or lack of synthesis of hemoglobin, or the disease leads to a number of changes. It should also be noted that blood tests for hematocrit and hemoglobin levels can help identify polycythamia, but they are only part of the picture of the disease. Your doctor may order additional blood tests to evaluate the levels of other indicators of the hemoglobin system and hemoglobin. In severe cases of the disease, death is possible. A lot depends on the specialists, on the patient himself, as well as on his desire to be treated.