Collagen (Gr. Colla - Glue, Gennan - Generate)

Collagen is a protein that is the main component of connective tissue in humans and animals. Its name comes from the Greek words “colla” - glue and “gennan” - to generate. Collagen makes up about 30% of all proteins in the human body and is found in many tissues such as skin, tendons, cartilage, bones and teeth.

One of the features of collagen is its ability to turn into gelatin when boiled. This occurs due to the fact that when heated, collagen molecules are destroyed and they bind together, forming a gelatin matrix. This is why gelatin is used in the food industry to create jellies and other products.

In addition, collagen plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin. It provides firmness and elasticity to the skin and is involved in the wound healing process. But over time, collagen levels in the skin decrease, which can lead to wrinkles and loss of firmness.

There are several ways you can increase collagen levels in your body. For example, you can increase your intake of foods containing collagen, such as meat, fish, eggs and gelatin. You can also take specific collagen supplements, which are available in capsules, powders, and other forms.

In conclusion, collagen is an important protein that plays a role in many processes in the human body. It provides firmness and elasticity to the skin, is involved in the wound healing process and is a major component of connective tissue. Therefore, it is important to ensure adequate levels of collagen in the body through proper nutrition and supplements.