Colloidal Skin Degeneration

Colloidal skin degeneration One of many skin diseases associated with thinning and decreased elasticity of the dermis. It is characterized by vasodilation in the superficial layers, due to which pronounced dilated blood vessels appear under the skin. In addition to them, there may be a brown tint to the skin, reminiscent of a washed-out Bordeaux mixture or shades of brown port wine. At the same time, there are no changes in the epidermis itself indicating the development of any disorders. As part of the process, there is a violation of the integrity of the basement membrane, leading to a loss of its elasticity and extensibility. In addition, deviations such as increased excitability and irritation of the skin are noted. Degeneration of skin tissue is a pathology that occurs in people of any age, but is most often diagnosed in older people. Men suffer from this phenomenon no less than the fair sex. The skin tissue ceases to be properly supplied with blood, which affects its condition and appearance. Patients are characterized by enlarged red pores, which usually transform into trophic ulcers over time. These manifestations are especially noticeable on the face: cheeks, forehead, nose, under the eyes. Their form is usually an ulcer, which constantly increases in size, causing physical and mental suffering to a person.

The medical classification of skin diseases provides for three forms of this pathology, each of which has its own characteristics: * degenerative