Dactylolysis Spontaneous

Spontaneous dactylolysis is a rare disease characterized by spontaneous separation of the fingers and toes.


The exact causes of spontaneous dactylolysis are unknown. It is assumed that the basis is a violation of the blood supply to the distal phalanges (distal phalanges) of the fingers, leading to their necrosis. Risk factors include diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and smoking.


Main symptoms:

  1. pain and discomfort in the fingers
  2. redness and swelling of the fingers
  3. the appearance of blisters and ulcers
  4. spontaneous separation of the phalanges of the fingers


The diagnosis is based on the clinical picture and history. It is important to exclude injury and gangrene of the fingers. Laboratory tests, radiography, CT, and MRI may be performed to clarify the diagnosis.


  1. Antibiotics to prevent infections
  2. Painkillers
  3. Local wound treatment
  4. In some cases, surgical intervention may be necessary - amputation of the affected phalanges
  5. Correction of risk factors (diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure)


With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable. The disease often does not recur.

Dactylogenesis is a type of spontaneous dactylolysis

Dactylolysis is the name given to natural or artificial resorption and dissolution of bone tissue. Occurs in inflammatory diseases, aging, after fractures. May be triggered by a tumor process.