Depression Existential

Recently, a huge number of people are suffering from depression, many of whom are unaware of this disease and do not suspect that it can be caused by various reasons. One of these reasons is “existential depression.” Let's look at what it is.

Depression is a mental disorder that is characterized by depressed mood and loss of interest in life.

There are many different types and varieties of depression, but existential depression can be considered one of them. It is characterized by the fact that a person begins to experience a crisis in his life associated with his existence in the world and the search for his place in life. He may experience feelings of confusion, anxiety, emptiness, hopelessness, loneliness, as well as fear of death or loss of loved ones.


Existential Depression: Exploring the Depths of Existence

Depression is a common mental disorder that seriously affects the lives of millions of people around the world. However, there is a special form of depression, which is identified as existential depression. This type of depression is associated with deep questions about the meaning of life, existence, and our place in the world.

The term "existential" comes from the Latin word "existentia", which means "existence". Existential depression often occurs when we become aware of the unpredictability and transient nature of our lives. It can be caused by questions about the meaning of life, the meaninglessness of existence, fear of death, doubts about one’s own values ​​and goals.

One of the main characteristics of existential depression is a feeling of alienation and isolation from the rest of the world. People suffering from this form of depression may feel disconnected from others, unable to participate in daily life or find joy in usual activities. They may experience deep inner conflict and strive to find meaning and purpose in their lives.

Existential depression can also lead to philosophical reflection and the search for answers to questions about the meaning of life and existence. People suffering from this form of depression may spend a lot of time contemplating their own mortality, the meaning of suffering, and the unpredictability of the future. These ruminations can deepen depression and increase feelings of meaninglessness.

Treating existential depression can be challenging because it requires not only symptom relief, but also reflection on deeper questions of meaning and purpose in life. Psychotherapy, including existential therapy, can be helpful in helping people suffering from this form of depression. Existential therapy helps clients explore and understand their own values, beliefs, and life goals, which can ultimately lead to decreased symptoms of depression and increased quality of life.

It is also important to note that existential depression cannot be reduced only to philosophical reflections or questions of the meaning of life. This is a serious mental disorder that requires attention and treatment. If you or someone you love is suffering from depression, it is important to seek help from a licensed therapist or physician.

In conclusion, existential depression is a special form of depression associated with deep questions about the meaning of life and our place in the world. It can cause feelings of alienation, meaninglessness, and philosophical musings. Treatment for this form of depression may include psychotherapy, including existential therapy, which helps clients explore and understand their values ​​and life goals. It is important to remember that existential depression requires serious attention and treatment approach to help people overcome their suffering and find meaning and joy in life.