
Dequalinium is a broad-spectrum antiseptic. It has a bactericidal and fungicidal effect against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as fungi.

The mechanism of action of dequalinium is based on disruption of the integrity of the cell membranes of microorganisms. This leads to the death of bacteria and fungi.

Dequalinium is used topically in the form of solutions, gels, pastes and lozenges for the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases of the oral mucosa, throat, pharynx and nasopharynx.

The drug is marketed under the trade name Labosept. It comes in the form of lozenges containing 10 mg of dequalinium.

Dequalinium is a safe and well-tolerated antiseptic. Side effects with its use are rare.

Dequalinium is a strong antiseptic that is used in medicine to combat infectious diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx. Dequalinium is an effective agent, active against a number of bacteria and fungi.

Dequalinium is used in the form of lozenges and lozenges. This makes application easier and ensures maximum contact with the affected areas. It is one of the main components of lozenges for the treatment of infectious diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx, such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis and others.

Dequalinium is also used to treat urinary tract infections and skin infections. It is effective against bacteria that cause urinary tract infections such as Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis and others.

Dequalinium may also be used to treat fungal infections such as oral thrush caused by Candida albicans. It may be effective against other fungi such as Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus niger.

One of the trade names for dequalinium is Labosept. Labosept lozenges contain dequalinium at a concentration of 0.25 mg per lozenge. This drug is highly effective and safe, and can be used by both adults and children over 6 years of age.

Although dequalinium is a safe and effective drug, you should consult your doctor before using it. It may be contraindicated in some cases, such as if you are allergic to dequalinium or if you are pregnant.

Overall, dequalinium is an important treatment for oral and pharyngeal infections, as well as urinary tract infections and skin infections. With its help, you can effectively and safely eliminate many bacterial and fungal infections.

Dequalinium, also known as Dexamine, Deca-D, Deca D or DeQualinum, is an antiseptic medicine that is used to treat throat and mouth conditions. It is active against several types of bacteria and fungal infections. The active ingredient dequalinium is an antibiotic of the imidazoline group, which was developed to treat gonorrhea, but soon began to be used to treat infections of the mouth and throat.

Dequalinium produces lollipops with a refreshing taste to reduce pain and discomfort in inflammatory processes of the larynx and oral cavity, such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis, periodontal disease and periodontitis. Lozenges are usually designed to be sucked, but may come in softgel form. This drug has been approved by the Food and Drug Agencies of the United States and Canada as an alternative to hormonal medications for the treatment of throat infections in adults and children over 7 years of age.

Studies support the effectiveness of dequalinide for the topical treatment of oropharyngeal infections.