Heat Exhaustion

Heat stroke, also known as heat exhaustion, is a serious illness that can develop in people in hot climates. This condition occurs due to significant loss of fluid and salts from body tissues after prolonged or unusual exposure to heat. As a result of decreased blood pressure and blood volume, a person may experience fatigue, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, headache, weakness, and even loss of consciousness.

Heat stroke is common among travelers who have just arrived in hot climates, so it is important to know how to prevent it and how to cope with it if necessary. One of the main symptoms of heatstroke is extreme thirst, so it is important to drink plenty of water to replenish lost fluids in the body. It is also recommended to avoid drinks containing caffeine and alcohol, as they can increase dehydration.

In the event of heatstroke, first aid measures must be taken immediately. If possible, the victim should immediately move to a cool place to reduce body temperature. A cool compress should be applied to the head and neck to further reduce body temperature. In addition, the patient should be given plenty of water or juices containing electrolytes to drink to restore lost salts.

More severe cases of heatstroke may require hospitalization. Doctors may give intensive fluid and salt therapy to restore lost blood volume and lower body temperature. In some cases, medications may be prescribed to control blood pressure and relieve other symptoms.

Thus, heatstroke is a serious disease that can occur in hot climates. However, taking simple precautions such as drinking plenty of water and avoiding prolonged sun exposure during hot weather can help prevent its occurrence. If heatstroke does occur, you must immediately take first aid measures and promptly consult a doctor.

Heatstroke is fatigue and collapse that develops due to a decrease in blood pressure and blood volume as a result of significant loss of fluid and salts by body tissues after prolonged or unusual exposure to heat. Heat stroke is common among tourists who have just arrived in countries with hot climates. As treatment, the patient is given plenty of fluids to drink or given an intravenous injection of water containing a certain amount of salts.