
The dermotelogenetic approach occupies a special place in the development of medicine and is relevant today, as it expands the scope of use of active stimulant drugs. This increases their therapeutic effectiveness, which makes it possible to reduce the dosage of medications used and side effects. With the help of a dermatological approach, assistance is provided not only in the treatment, but also in the rehabilitation of patients with various diseases. Of particular importance is the local use of dermotheological preparations, which allows you to quickly achieve the desired effect. This method requires a thorough knowledge of skin pathology and a detailed study of the phenomenon of the borderline state of skin between normal and pathologically altered.

Currently, the mechanisms of the protective barrier of the skin - a layer in which special flora and fauna exist and which prevents the penetration of pathogenic agents - are well known. About 250 different microbiocide agents have been found in human skin, most of which are formed by the secretion of the sebaceous glands. There are basic mechanisms for organizing the immune system of the skin - nonspecific protective factors (mononuclear leukocytes), and specific factors that play a major role in protection against exo- and endoinfection (lymphoid cells). Normally, the content of T cells predominates in the skin. Macrophages play an important role in the formation of skin immunity, therefore, against the background of their insufficient function, the body’s natural resistance sharply decreases.

Factors that determine the immune function of the skin: nutrition, biorhythms, gender, age, socio-psychological status, previous exposure to toxic or medicinal drugs, exposure to extreme environmental factors, hereditary predisposition, immunocorrective therapy. Knowledge of the basic mechanisms of the development of skin pathology makes it possible to correctly choose the treatment method and dosage form.

Treatment of children with common acute and chronic lesions of the hair, scalp, appendages, trunk and limbs, as well as treatment of baldness and fungal skin lesions is one of the sections of pediatric skin treatment. It aims to prevent leprosy of the hair follicles, where, in the process of pathological exposure, an inflammatory process has developed, promoting the transition of the pathological segetative epithelium from pathological to the natural path of hair growth. Based on this, the treatment of children with inflammatory pores and skin patches includes four stages: * The first stage is aimed at directly eliminating the pathological process