
Deviation is a deviation from the normal state. It can manifest itself in various areas of life, including psychology, medicine, society and economics.

In psychology, deviation can be associated with disturbances in behavior or thinking. For example, a person may show aggression, cruelty, or indifference to others. This may be due to psychological trauma, heredity or other factors.

In medicine, deviation manifests itself in the form of various diseases. For example, this could be a visual, hearing or speech impairment. It may also be associated with mental disorders such as depression or anxiety.

In society, deviation manifests itself in the form of social deviations. For example, these could be criminals, drug addicts or alcoholics. They can also be people who do not follow social norms and rules.

Finally, in economics, deviation manifests itself in the form of economic crises, inflation or unemployment. This can lead to deterioration in people's lives and social problems.

Thus, deviance is an important topic to study and understand in various areas of life. It can be associated with both positive and negative consequences for society and individuals.

Deviation (from the Latin word "deviatio", meaning deviation) is a term that is used in various fields to describe abnormal or deviant behavior or position. In this article we will look at two main areas in which the term "deviation" is used.

  1. Deviation in ophthalmology

In ophthalmology, deviation means an abnormal position of one or both eyes. This may appear as a deviation of gaze in a certain direction or uncoordinated eye movements. For example, if both eyes look in the same direction when the face is turned forward, then the gaze is said to be deviated in that direction. Such deviations in the gaze of both eyes can be observed in diseases of the brain, such as paralysis of the eye muscles or neurological disorders. A deviation of the gaze of one eye indicates that a person has strabismus, or strabismus.

Strabismus is a common condition that can occur in children and adults. In the case of strabismus, one eye may look straight while the other eye deviates to the side or up/down. This can lead to poor visual function and problems with depth perception. Ophthalmologists specialize in diagnosing and treating eye deviations.

  1. Deviation as sexual perversion

There is also a second meaning of the term “deviation”, which is related to the sexual sphere and describes perverted sexual preferences or behavior. In this context, deviance refers to deviation from normative sexual orientation or sexual practices. Sexual perversion can include various fetishes, bondage, sadomasochism, role-playing games and other forms of sexual activity that differ from traditional ones or are considered unacceptable in society.

It is important to note that in the context of sexual deviance, it is necessary to respect the consent of all participants and engage in safe and consensual sexual relationships. Understanding and respecting each individual's sexual autonomy are important aspects in the discussion and practice of sexual deviance.

In conclusion, the term deviation is used in various fields to describe deviations and anomalies. In ophthalmology it refers to abnormal eye position or gaze deviation, while in a sexual context it describes deviant sexual preferences or behavior. In both cases, deviation requires attention and, if necessary, diagnosis and treatment by appropriate specialists.

Deviation, deviation (from Latin deviation - deviation) - deviation from some position, norm, standard. Thus, the words “deviation” and “perversion” are of the same root, although this coincidence must be understood quite literally - what causes deviation is really out of the ordinary, that is, perverted. In our case, deviation is understood as any deviation from generally accepted norms of behavior, lifestyle or any values.

Deviations can be associated with both psychological and physical characteristics of a person. For example, in ophthalmology, deviation is an abnormal position of the eyes (such as entropion or strabismus).

However, deviations occur not only in medicine, but also in everyday life. For example, for some people, misunderstood issues of morality, religion, or public opinion may lead to classification as sexual deviance. In addition, some countries have legal restrictions on certain sexual behaviors or the use of specific substances, which may also make them deviant.

Deviation is often combined with other mental disorders such as mania or depression. Deviant behavior can also have an impact on personality development, and mental dependence on this behavior is often formed. Manifestations of deviant behavior among children and adolescents are no less common. Moreover, adolescents and young men are more prone to display deviant forms of behavior, while girls experience