Diabetes (Sugar Disease)

There are two types of diabetes: diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus.

Diabetes insipidus is expressed only in copious and frequent urination, but the amount of sugar in the urine is normal. A lot of nitrogen and phosphorus come out with urine, so such a patient quickly gets tired, has dry mouth and skin, and lack of saliva. The cause is a nervous disorder, aggravated by insomnia, anxiety and stress. Strengthening agents are recommended: iron, bromine, valerian; during attacks, drink glycerin and eat foods with phosphorus - meat, fish, crayfish, brains, milk, yolks.

In diabetes, the urine contains a lot of sugar and oxalic acid, which leads to the formation of kidney stones. Symptoms: frequent urination, thirst, hunger, weakness, vision problems, shortness of breath, metallic taste in the mouth, slow wound healing, itchy skin.

It is necessary to exclude sugar, starch (bread, rice, cereals, legumes, fruits with sugar). Meat, fats, fresh fruits (except bananas, chestnuts, cherries, grapes) are recommended. Skim milk, cottage cheese, and yogurt are useful. Spices are needed to digest fats. A vegetable diet with eggs and butter helps.

Treatment - insulin, salicylic sodium against itching of the skin, iodine against itching of intimate places. Instead of sugar - saccharin.

Folk remedies: infusion of blueberry leaves, decoction of ratania root, laughter, mustard seed.

Diabetes is often inherited, especially if both parents were affected.