Diagnosis of Allergies

An allergy is a reaction of the immune system to a substance that is normally safe for the body. With allergies, the body begins to produce IgE antibodies, which cause the release of histamine and other substances that lead to the development of allergic symptoms. Diagnosis of allergies is an important step, which allows you to determine the cause of allergic reactions and choose the most effective treatment.

There are many ways to diagnose allergies. Each disease has its own examination plan, but in each specific case the doctor gives preference to one method or another. The correct diagnosis can be made only after a comprehensive examination and never after a single analysis.

A comprehensive allergy examination begins with questioning an allergist. The doctor asks about complaints, about the onset of the disease, the characteristics of its development, about the conditions in which the allergic reaction is most pronounced, about the presence of similar diseases in relatives, living and working conditions, etc.

After this, the doctor may prescribe the following diagnostic methods:

  1. Skin tests. A prick test (prick test) or a scratch test (prick test) is used to determine which allergens may play a role in the development of a person's symptoms. These are absolutely painless methods. The difference between them is insignificant; the first method is considered safer. The study is usually carried out on the skin of the forearm, which is pre-treated with an alcohol solution. Next, drops of allergens are applied to clean skin. In the case of scarification tests, small scratches are applied through drops of allergens using a disposable scarifier. In the case of prick tests, disposable needles are used and light injections are applied (one millimeter deep). In both cases, the blood vessels are not affected, that is, both methods are bloodless. Do not give more than 15 allergen samples at a time. After some time, slight swelling and redness of the skin may develop, which suggests an allergy to the substance in question.

  2. Study of specific IgE antibodies. Such an analysis of the antibodies responsible for the development of allergies helps to establish the group of causative allergens. The method is very simple - they take blood and determine the amount of IgE antibodies in it to various allergens. Based on the results of the analysis, the doctor can determine which allergens a person is hypersensitive to.

  3. Test with flour. This is a special test that allows you to identify allergies to wheat flour. To do this, a person is given water to drink, to which a small amount of flour is added. After a few minutes, the symptoms that a person may experience if they are truly allergic to wheat flour are assessed.

  4. Product samples. This method is used to determine allergies to certain foods. The doctor may order a test for milk, eggs, soy and other products. The test is carried out on the same principle as skin tests - drops with allergens are applied to the skin, after which the body's reaction is assessed.

  5. Drug tests. This method is used to determine allergies to certain medications. The test is carried out on the same principle as skin tests - drops with allergens that contain components of the drug are applied to the skin.

As a rule, the doctor uses several methods for diagnosing allergies to obtain the most accurate result. Once the cause of the allergy has been determined, the doctor can prescribe appropriate treatment. Allergy treatment may include the use of antihistamines, corticosteroids, immunotherapy and other methods, depending on what type of allergy has been identified.