Wash the Vegetables

The task of involving children in the daily affairs of the household not only has educational value, but also contributes to their development and independence. One great way to include your baby in the food-care process is to wash fruits and vegetables together before cooking.

When you return from the store and unpack the groceries, you should invite your child to take part in preparing the vegetables. In addition to saving you time, it will also be a great opportunity to spend time together and teach your child important self-care skills.

First, make your baby comfortable in front of the sink. Place him on a high chair or high seat so that he can easily reach the sink and sink. Ensure safety by making sure the chair or seat is stable and placed on a flat surface.

You can then assign your child the task of peeling the dirt off the potatoes. Pre-rinse the potatoes under running water to remove large contaminants. Then hand your baby a soft sponge or brush so that he can gently scrub away any remaining dirt from the surface of the potato. Explain to him that it is important to remove all dirt so that the potatoes are fit to eat.

In addition to potatoes, you can offer your child to wash apples. Before you begin washing, make sure the apples do not have stickers or other materials that need to be removed. Then show your child how to properly hold the apple under running water and gently rub it with your hands. He may use a sponge or soft brush to remove more stubborn dirt. Explain that washing will help remove sand, dirt, and chemical residue from the surface of the apples.

What about carrots and radishes? Of course, your baby can also help clean them. Place the carrots and radishes in a bowl of water and have your child gently wash them using their hands or a soft sponge. Explain that washing will help remove dirt and sand that may be on the surface of the vegetables.

In addition, the child can rinse the salad. Prepare a bowl of cool water and ask your child to place the lettuce leaves in the bowl and gently stir them with the water. This will help remove sand and other microparticles from the surface of the salad, making it fresher and more palatable.

It is important to remember that involving a child in food preparation requires the constant presence of an adult and proper supervision. Explain to your child that he should be careful not to cut himself with sharp objects, and always help him if necessary.

Washing vegetables and fruits not only helps keep them clean and safe, but also results in better quality food. In addition, this is an excellent opportunity to develop hand motor skills, coordination of movements and teach the child about hygiene and caring for products.

So, including your child in washing vegetables and fruits is a rewarding and practical way to spend time together, teach them important skills and develop independence. In addition, your baby will be proud of his achievements and will feel like a useful and valuable member of the family.