
Country of origin: Belgium
Pharm-Group: Anticonvulsants - hydantoin derivatives

Manufacturers: Labohain-Wolf (Belgium)
International name: Phenytoin
Synonyms: Difenin
Dosage forms: tablets 100 mg, solution for injection 250 mg
Composition: Active substance - phenytoin.

Indications for use: Epilepsy (grand seizures), prevention of post-traumatic and post-neurosurgical epilepsy, ventricular arrhythmias, including intoxication with cardiac glycosides, trigeminal neuralgia.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, impaired liver and kidney function, heart failure, cachexia, porphyria.

Side effects: Dizziness, agitation, tremor, fever, nausea, vomiting, changes in connective tissue (coarsening of facial features), allergic skin reactions (itching rash); with long-term use - dyspepsia, gum hyperplasia, osteopathy, hypocalcemia. In case of severe side effects, it is necessary to reduce the dose or discontinue the drug.

Interaction: Phenobarbital and carbamazepine accelerate biotransformation, slow down (side effects may increase) - isoniazid and its derivatives, chloramphenicol, coumarins, acetylsalicylic acid, teturam.

Overdose: Symptoms: mental disorders, joint pain; in more severe cases - bradycardia, ventricular fibrillation, atrial flutter, asystole and coma. Treatment: symptomatic.

Special instructions: Children are recommended to be prescribed phenytoin in combination with vitamins D and K, because the development of osteopathies such as rickets, hypocalcemia, and blood clotting disorders is possible. During pregnancy, it is prescribed only for health reasons. Careful dose selection is necessary - increasing the dose may be accompanied by a disproportionate increase in plasma levels.

Literature: Encyclopedia of Medicines, 9th edition, 2002. Medicines M.D. Mashkovsky 14th edition.