
Discordance is a condition in which two or more people have different opinions or interests regarding the same situation. This can happen in both personal and professional relationships.

Discordance can lead to conflicts, misunderstandings and deterioration of relationships. However, if people know how to communicate correctly and find compromises, then discordance will not interfere with their communication and work.

In order to avoid discord in relationships, it is necessary to be able to listen to each other and understand each other's points of view. It is also important to be able to express your thoughts and feelings without insulting or humiliating your partner.

In addition, it is important to be able to find common interests and hobbies that can unite people and contribute to the development of relationships. If people have common goals and objectives, this can help them overcome discordance and create stronger and more harmonious relationships.

In general, discordance is an inevitable phenomenon in life, but it can be controlled and managed if you know how to communicate correctly and find compromises.


Discordance is a phenomenon that is increasingly becoming the object of interest of many researchers. Every year more and more questions arise that relate to the characteristics of this phenomenon and its impact on our lives. What is discordant behavior and why is it such a popular phenomenon in our society?

1. Definition of the concept of discordance

One of the first characteristics of discordance is the definition of this terminology. This term refers to the inconsistency or discrepancy between a person’s external behavior (external manifestations of his personality) and his internal state (beliefs, thoughts, emotions). Initially, the term “discordance” appeared in psychology and was initially used to describe disorders in the development of the personality of a child or adolescent. However, later this concept began to be used in relation to adults.

2. Causes of discordant manifestations

If we analyze the factors that provoke the emergence of discordant behavior, we can identify several main reasons:

Changes in the external environment. When a person is in constant search of something new, he quickly adapts to changes in society, but at the same time gets lost in matters of his own personal values ​​and beliefs. Developmental delay. As a rule, it is problems in childhood that can lead to the emergence of a discordant personality. Some children do not have time to fully develop as they grow up, so in the future they demonstrate various deviations from the norm. Heredity. Quite often, inheritance of a certain type of character occurs as a type of genetic failure. Some people get more dynamic and decisive blood, while others get slower and more thoughtful blood.