Dyspeptic Phenomena

Hello, we will tell you about the main symptoms of indigestion, which is usually called dyspepsia and is one of the signs of indigestion. Digestive diseases are one of the most common causes of death among people around the world. Today we will look at the TOP 6 most common symptoms of dyspeptic disorder.

1. Heartburn. Many people suffering from heartburn complain of a burning sensation in the upper chest after eating. Often a person feels pain under the breastbone, which can last from five to seven minutes after overeating. As a rule, heartburn attacks occur at night when

Dyspeptic Phenomena are all signs of a digestive system disorder. A person feels discomfort in the stomach after eating, heartburn and belching occur. With such phenomena, the stomach hurts, there is not enough air and the person wants to drink. But in reality it’s just a lack of oxygen in the blood, improper digestion. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to maintain the health of the digestive system, and then the symptoms will not bother you. So watch your diet and lifestyle!