Pneumosclerosis Silicotic

Pneumosclerosis is a lung disease in which the structure of the lung tissue is disrupted. The reasons are a large number of past inflammatory diseases and injuries. One of the most common causes is **pneumoconiosis**, popularly called pneumococriosis, or “silicosis”. Pathology occurs due to constant exposure to harmful production factors at work. This may be exposure to toxic gases with dust, asbestos, lead, and less often cadmium or chromium. The shape of the lung tissue cells gradually begins to change, it becomes coarse, coarse, more irregular in shape, elasticity decreases, as well as the quality of gliding. According to the general clinical development, pneumococriasis is divided into two forms according to the speed of development of symptoms: chronic and acute. The most common type of disease is the chronic form, which in the initial stages of the disease passes without clinical symptoms. In later stages, mild or severe pain in the chest begins to occur, as well as persistent coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath.