Dysplasia Cranio-Metaphyseal

Dysplasia of the craniometaphyseal bone is a disease that is characterized by abnormal development and deformation of the metaphyseal part of the skull. This can lead to various health problems, including poor posture, headaches, problems with teeth and other organs.

Dysplasia can be caused by various factors, such as genetics, poor diet, lack of calcium and vitamin D, as well as injury and infection.

One of the most common symptoms of dysplasia is skull deformation. It can appear as convexity, concavity or asymmetry. Dental problems such as malocclusion, crowded teeth, and abnormal tooth growth may also occur.

Treatment for dysplasia may include various methods such as physical therapy, orthopedic correction, surgery and medication. The choice of treatment method depends on the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Cranio-metaphyseal dysplasia is a disease in the field of osteogenesis, which can lead to deformation of the skull bones and disturbances in their function. This pathology is accompanied by a violation of the formation of bone tissue in children during the period of its active growth. It can lead to various developmental problems in the child, such as impaired vision, hearing and motor coordination.
