Days of Omen

Days of omen are those days when signs become apparent that serve as an indication of a change in matter or an indication of the victory of one of the combatants - disease or natural. strength, or for light fights between nature and disease, not for the sake of decisive victory, but to agitate matter.

As for the first indications, these are indications of maturity or immaturity. An indication of maturity is, for example, a cloud in the urine, red or whitish, and indications of immaturity are also known. The second indications are manifestations of the strength of appetite or its decline, the ease or difficulty of movement of the disease, and the third are, for example, headache, melancholy, shortness of breath, trembling, perspiration not common throughout the body, incomplete emptying.

And so, if such signs appear on the days of the omen, then the crisis will occur in certain subsequent days; Thus, the fourth day foretells a crisis on the seventh, if the signs are good, and on the sixth, if the signs are bad, especially with burning and intermittent fever, although a bad crisis occurs on the seventh day, and in the rarest cases on the ninth. However, in three-day fever, a crisis on the ninth day occurs frequently, although it usually occurs on the sixth day.

The ninth day foretells a crisis either on the eleventh day or, more often, on the fourteenth; the eleventh day also foreshadows a crisis on the fourteenth, and the fourteenth - either on the seventeenth, or on the eighteenth, or on the twentieth, or on the twenty-first. The eighteenth day foreshadows a crisis on the twenty-first, and the twentieth - on the fortieth.

As for the days falling in the middle, the third day foretells a crisis on the fifth, and if the signs are bad - on the sixth, while the fifth foretells a crisis on the ninth, and if the signs are bad - on the eighth.

Know that foretelling signs sometimes depart from their days for the reason mentioned in relation to the deviation of the crises themselves from their due days to the previous or subsequent one. Know also that if after the second day of the days of the omen signs appear similar to those that occur on the first day of the omen, then the disease is moving quickly. Watch for signs of acceleration and deceleration and judge by this whether the onset of the days foreshadowed by the days of the omen will accelerate or delay.