Dystonia Vegetative

Autonomic dystonia is a common disorder of the motor functions of the human muscular system. In more rare cases, symptoms may be caused by general damage to brain structures caused by injury, stroke, certain infections, etc. The clinical manifestations of dystonia are varied. The patient may experience tension, muscle spasms, and contraction of muscle fibers. As a rule, the small facial muscles of the cheeks, eyes, and lips are affected first. As the pathology progresses, the frontal muscle suffers. Patients with a mild form of the disease complain of frequent headaches, dizziness, and impaired coordination of movements. Less commonly, patients complain of unsteady gait, severe indigestion, and difficulty swallowing and chewing food. In parallel, over time, patients experience atrophy of the muscles of the optic nerve, deterioration of vision up to blindness. The severity of these symptoms depends on the stage of the disease and severity. The development of dystonia is caused by various factors that combine