
Echo is a game that develops a child's auditory attention and memory.

To play echo, an adult must make a sound several times in a row. For example, you can lightly tap on the glass, click your tongue, repeat one syllable (la-la-la), stomp your foot, etc. The child listens carefully and counts how many times the adult has done this.

Then it’s the child’s turn. He must repeat the same sound as many times as an adult did, imitating him.

After this, the adult and the child change roles - now the child comes up with a sound and repeats it several times, and the adult counts and copies.

This game develops auditory attention, memory, and speech skills of the child. It is very important to be patient if your child makes mistakes. This is just a game, not a test of his abilities. The more you play echo, the better your child will learn to distinguish and reproduce sounds.