
Edas is a domestic regulator for the delivery of various elements.

It is used for controlled delivery of peptide and protein substances to various structures of the body. Contains 25% protein acids, almost 40% free amino acid Lysine, 20-30% glutamic acid. The rest consists of natural body components and nutrients that can influence macrophage reactivity and cellular metabolism. Due to its adjustable protein content, this delivery regulator has been used to promote growth in animals following exposure to sub-painful doses of steroids. It has also been frequently used in patients with anaphylaxis, allergies and fibrotic degeneration of the lungs, as well as granulomatous inflammation and asthma secondary to chronic hypersensitivity bronchoisitis. Its application in veterinary medicine and the food industry has the potential to be used in the treatment of patients with L-lysine deficiency. Additionally, the use of a lysine delivery regulator may be used to improve liver recovery from cholestasis causing severe vitamin B12 deficiency in newborn infants. EDAS 941 is a metabolic corrector approved by EFSA and is intended for use as an additive for the complex treatment of chronic liver diseases of various etiologies and post-cirrhosis