
Introduction. In our modern life there is a tendency towards general “intellectualization” in all spheres of human activity. In this regard, issues of modeling and development of new technologies play an important role in science and industry in general. Particularly popular is an automation tool such as artificial intelligence, or AI for short.

What is the essence of this issue? When we talk about computer software and artificial intelligence products, we most often mean some program written by programmers and able to perform certain tasks that were formulated by the programmers themselves. All this is understandable, but what if we do not have access to a computer and programs? In this case, another tool comes to the rescue - natural language.

What is ES? Often, when they hear the word “questionnaire,” they immediately imagine a classic piece of paper. This is a questionnaire to obtain information about the respondent. But these are not necessarily paper sheets. You can also ask questions using artificial intelligence and receive accurate answers. Schematically, the system for assessing the quality of knowledge (or, as it is commonly called, the “Scale”) looks like this: base of questions - coefficients, level of the subject - sum of coefficients. The higher a student's score, the greater the chance that he/she will pass the exam.