
Excochleation is the process of removing foreign bodies from the ear, which is carried out using a special instrument - an excochlear. This instrument is a spoon with a long handle that allows the doctor to easily and safely remove a foreign body from the ear.

Excochleation is performed only if the foreign body is located deep in the ear and cannot be removed by other means. The process of removing a foreign body may take several minutes, but it is usually performed under local anesthesia and is not painful.

After excochleation, the doctor may prescribe additional treatment to the patient to prevent possible complications. In some cases, it may be necessary to remove the foreign body again after some time.

It is important to remember that excochleation should only be performed by an experienced doctor who knows all the features of this procedure. Removing foreign bodies on your own can lead to serious complications, so it is better to seek help from a qualified specialist.

**Excochleation** is an operation in which complete or partial removal of substances from a certain area or organ is performed. During this operation, tumors, cysts, various growths, etc. can be removed, which gives the organ or the body as a whole a chance to recover.

Unfortunately, such operations are difficult and very dangerous to perform on the brain; it will not recover so easily from the actions of the surgeon. Today, brain cancer cannot be cured, but the patient’s life can be extended by several years.


- In 2017, scientists from Harvard University found that 71% of surviving cancer cells were capable of regeneration. If these same cells are given optimal conditions, they can become capable of generating new muscle fibers. Since this group of cells can result from a violation of neurogenesis in the brain. - Scientists from the University of California have determined that one of the most effective effects of chemotherapy is the ability of cells to self-replicate, but if their concentration begins to increase,