
Electrotelecardiogram or ETLG is a method of studying a patient’s electrocardiogram, in which not only data on the work of the heart is measured and displayed, but also the process of its recording itself. Based on the results of electrotelecardiography, it is possible to evaluate not only morphological, but also functional indicators of the heart muscle. At the same time, ETLG makes it possible to determine not

Electrocardiography (ECG) is a method of studying the heart, which is based on recording electrical impulses that occur in the heart during its operation. This method is widely used in medicine to diagnose various heart diseases, such as coronary heart disease, arrhythmias and others.

However, with the development of technology, a new technique has emerged that makes it possible to conduct an ECG not only in the doctor’s office, but also at home. This is an electrotelecardiogram (ETCG).

ETCG is a method of recording an electrocardiogram using special sensors that are placed on the patient’s body. Sensors transmit data about heart function to a computer or mobile device, where they are processed and analyzed.

This method has a number of advantages over conventional ECG. Firstly, ETCG allows you to diagnose the heart at any time and anywhere, which is especially important for people who cannot visit medical institutions due to work or other reasons. Secondly, ETCG can be used to monitor the condition of the heart over a long period of time, which allows changes in heart function to be detected at an early stage.

It is important to note that ETCG does not replace a conventional ECG, but complements it. Both methods have their advantages and can be used depending on the specific situation.

In conclusion, ETCG is a promising method for cardiac diagnosis and can be used both for primary diagnosis and for monitoring health status after treatment.