Emotion Supreme

Higher emotions are emotions associated with the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of spiritual, social, moral, cognitive and aesthetic needs of a person. This is one of the most important categories of emotions that can be associated with various aspects of life.

Spiritual needs are the needs to understand the world, to understand oneself and one’s place in it, to find the meaning of life and the purpose of one’s existence. Unmet spiritual needs can lead to feelings of emptiness, helplessness, and despair. Satisfaction of spiritual needs can give a person a feeling of satisfaction, happiness and harmony.

Social needs are a person’s needs for communication with other people, for belonging to a group, for respect and recognition from others. Failure to meet social needs can lead to loneliness, feelings of inadequacy and isolation. Satisfying social needs, on the other hand, can provide a sense of togetherness, confidence, and support.

Moral needs are the need for justice, honesty, kindness and other moral principles. Failure to meet moral needs can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and regret. Satisfaction of moral needs, on the contrary, can give a feeling of the correctness and nobility of one’s actions.

Cognitive needs are the need for knowledge, information and the development of one's intellect. Failure to meet cognitive needs can lead to boredom, feelings of helplessness, and dissatisfaction. Satisfying cognitive needs, on the contrary, can give a feeling of satisfaction and joy from new knowledge and discoveries.

Aesthetic needs are the need for beauty, harmony and art. Failure to satisfy aesthetic needs can lead to feelings of despondency and bad taste. Satisfying aesthetic needs, on the contrary, can give a feeling of pleasure and enjoyment from the beauty of the world around us.

Higher emotions are an important factor in our lives, as they can influence our mood, behavior and health. Therefore, it is important to understand which needs are being met and which are not in order to avoid negative consequences

Emotions are reflexive mental processes occurring in the central nervous system, arising in response to the influence of internal and external stimuli. They are characterized by changes in performance, activation of the autonomic nervous system, metabolism, etc. It should be noted that emotions provide the necessary internal stimulation of the body to search for food, protect and care for itself.

Emotion is a person’s subjective psychological and physiological sensations, manifestations of his inner life. It occurs when objects are damaged that satisfy needs. Higher emotions arise in humans, unlike animals, who do not distinguish between objects. This is a more complex form of manifestation of needs; it arises in response to experiencing troubles, when a person experiences grief, mental pain, melancholy, and fear. A person’s higher feelings embrace more complex processes (aesthetic, spiritual and others) than those that accompany the simplest needs and experiences of animals, and determine a person’s attitude and behavior. However, many people believe that higher emotions are impossible without the presence of lower, basic ones - such as feelings of hunger, thirst, and a sense of physical protection. After all, the human mind is impossible without interaction with the body, and therefore with that part of the psyche that is responsible for stimulating the body’s pleasures. That is, the higher feelings developed in the process of human evolution along with the elementary ones. There are many different emotions and feelings, but they can all be considered from the point of view of the main component that makes them possible - the satisfaction of needs and their dissatisfaction. Each emotion is associated with a specific social, moral, cognitive or aesthetic need, and arises only if the need has been at least partially satisfied. An example of various emotional states and associated needs may include: * joy - satisfies the desire for happiness, harmony, life satisfaction; * sadness - symbolizes the rejection of unrealized opportunities or unmet needs; * delight - provokes the realization of creative abilities; * fear - allows you to avoid danger or engage in social adaptation. Many people perceive emotions as something potentially harmful that upsets the nervous system. In fact, it is thanks to them that a person is able to understand the world around him; because of them, a cause-and-effect relationship arises between an activity and its result.