Encephalitis Acute Primary Infectious

Encephalitis is the general name for inflammatory diseases of the brain. This term, as a rule, refers only to diseases that develop acutely and suddenly. These include primary and acute encephalitis. Primary foci of inflammation form in the brain, and acute ones arise spontaneously, that is, against the background of complete health, without obvious causes (unlike secondary encephalitis that develops due to some chronic disease).

Encephalitis is most often triggered by some kind of infection, less often by an autoimmune process or tumor. In order to choose effective treatment, the doctor must find out the cause of its occurrence. If the cause is an infection, it is completely eliminated with antibiotics. For autoimmune processes, anti-inflammatory or anticonvulsant drugs are needed. Cancer cells are removed using radiation and chemotherapy. In rare cases, it is necessary to remove the part of the brain that has been damaged. This procedure is called decompression. If the inflammation is caused by a disorder of the brain structure as a result of injury, vascular disease or some disease (for example, multiple sclerosis), the intensity of symptoms can only be reduced by symptomatic

What is encephalitis, its types, symptoms and treatment?

**Encephalitis** is an inflammatory process that affects the brain. The neurons of the brain (the processes of nerve cells) are compressed, and instead of them, their nerve cells are transmitted from another part of the nervous system. This outcome leads to severe disability or even death. Here are the main types of encephalitis:

1. **Arboviral encephalitis:** common in countries with hot or temperate climates; transmitted by pathogens of the Togaviridae family. Viruses of this group multiply in the stomach of several species of mosquitoes, which then act as carriers. Victims develop a viral fever after being bitten by infected mosquitoes. Some types of arboviral encephalitis can occur like yellow fever: with severe headache, fever, enlargement of the liver, kidneys and spleen.

2. **Bacterial encephalitis** is not associated with mosquito bites. They are caused by whooping cough bacilli, Treponema pallidum, pneumococci or enterococci. Bacterial encephalitis almost always occurs only in acute form. There are known cases of lightning-fast flow. As a rule, the entire brain is affected, with symptoms similar to sepsis. Severe brain damage from bacterial infections leads to death. With timely initiation of antibacterial therapy, deaths can be avoided. 3. **Toxoplasmosis during pregnancy:** infection of the child and infection of the fetus occurs in utero. There are also known cases of infection during birth or during the first three months of age. The child develops microcephaly - the brain is overstretched, as a result of which the skull has an irregular shape. The mature form of toxoplasmosis is characterized by the presence of hemorrhagic infiltrates and the appearance of cyanotic spots on the skin. Later, an acute meningoencephalitic form develops. Symptoms include severe cramps, general

During the coronavirus pandemic, the topic of viral-bacterial infection is actively discussed among doctors. Interest in the topic is not unfounded, because our immune system is very vulnerable as a result of the immunomodulation of covid vaccines and methods of treating acute respiratory infections, which are often complicated by meningococcal or pneumococcal meningitis. What to do to avoid getting infected? Should we be afraid and test everyone’s immune status? Let's understand this topic.

Here is just a short reminder about why a person gets encephalitis:
