Enterocolitis Staphylococcal

**Enterocolitis** is an inflammation of the intestinal mucous membranes. Usually bacteria enter the human digestive tract from his own microflora, but sometimes other pathogens are the cause of the disease. Enterocolitis can affect both children and adults, and the clinical manifestations differ for different forms of the disease. Staphylococcus is a type of bacteria that is part of the group of gram-positive microorganisms. The bacterium is quite common in the external environment and is the cause of many human diseases. This species is characterized by the presence of coagulase, thermostable hemolysin, and some other pathogenicity factors.

The disease can occur in acute or chronic form and can lead to serious complications. The development of abdominal abscesses, peritonitis, sepsis and death is possible. Most people who encounter this pathology contracted it nosocomially, as a result of a medical procedure. But sometimes staphylococcal intestinal infection occurs in everyday life. Under natural conditions, a person comes into contact with patients with staphylococcal infection only indirectly: indirectly through handrails, the patient’s clothing, bedding, household items, and surrounding surfaces. Perceiving the infection in this way, the child can get enterocolitis. With improper care and inappropriate conditions of the incubation period, the microorganism begins to develop. Its enzymes lead to digestive disorders, and bacteria cause the development of inflammation. This is the only way to explain the fact that the epidemic covers almost all children, without exception, who were not isolated from the sick person in time. Sometimes, after suffering from staphylococcus, chronic intestinal diseases occur. But still, the main reason for the outbreak of staphylococcal infections in children's groups is older children. A common sick group is schoolchildren in grades 3 and 7. Younger children do not excrete a significant amount of the pathogen from the body through feces. Older children actively spread the infection due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. Meanwhile, for staphylococci there is a certain indicator of virulence (privilege for growth). In order for the infection to begin to develop, the amount of this indicator per square centimeter of body surface is necessary. This amount varies for different strains, so it is necessary to promptly identify the specific causative agent of the disease based on symptoms.