
***Epipharyngography*** is a method of examining the nasopharynx that uses a special device - an eopharyngoscope. Eopharyngoscopy is intended for a detailed examination of the posterior wall and vault of the nasopharynx and oral cavity. This quite informative study helps to diagnose: - polyps in the nose and nose and throat; - malignant tumors; - adenoid growths; - foreign bodies; - nasopharyngeal ulcers; - hypertrophy of the lingual tonsil; - upper respiratory tract infections.

During manipulation with an eopharynoscope, the doctor looks at the entire inner surface of the throat. The device is inserted into the pharynx, where it touches the tongue, palate, etc. After recording the information and documenting it in a special protocol, the doctor makes a conclusion about the condition of the respiratory organ.

Epipharyngogram from ancient Greek. ἔπι “on, in” + φάρυξ “throat” + γραφή “record; image" - an x-ray of the pharynx and larynx, made by applying a contrast agent. For the first time in Russia, it was performed by academician V.P. Volkov (1913). Widely used until the 1970s. After more than 50 years of oblivion, the use of the epipharyngogram was resumed thanks to the development and implementation of computer epipharyngography in the United States in the 90s of the 20th century.