Epulis Granulomatous

Epulists and granulomatosis.

An epulist is a benign tumor-like formation of the gums, accompanied by signs of inflammation. Externally, it is a limited periodontal defect with a red border and a hypertrophied edge of the mucous membrane. Most often, a tumor forms during dental prosthetics, for example, in the process of making a crown or bridge. Depending on the prevalence of the process, epulitis is divided into limited and diffuse. Most patients with similar complaints turn to dental clinics due to the fact that a similar defect was first discovered during an X-ray examination of the oral cavity. In the vast majority of cases, epulists turn out to be an accidental radiological finding, and their appearance in 65-70% is associated with the traumatic effect of dentures. They are localized mainly in the area of ​​the last molars of the lower jaw. In addition to the spontaneous formation of epulists, they can be a consequence of damage to the mucous membrane under the influence of various mechanical and thermal factors.