
***Endoracyclide*** Endoracyclide is a drug used for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Endoracyclide is actively used in veterinary medicine to treat dogs

Biological properties With a single dose of the drug orally, the therapeutic concentration

The drug estracyt is an estrogen drug that is used in the treatment of prostate cancer. It comes in several different dosage forms, including capsules and lyophilisate for injection. Estracine is made by several manufacturers in different countries, but the most common are Sweden, Italy and Apjohnom in Italy.

The main pharmaceutical group of estracite is estrogens, which are used to treat various diseases associated with a deficiency of female hormones. Prostate cancer is one such disease in which estrogens may be beneficial.

The main indications for taking estracin are prostate cancer, when the estrogenic effect improves