
There are a large number of tree species that belong to the Dogwood family, or otherwise Rami. The main distinguishing feature of these trees is their unusual thorns.

Let's look at the crypts in the dogwood tree:

1. Cross-shaped thorn type (suffruticosum, ball tree). In such trees, the thorns are so overgrown that a white foam circle forms around the tree (the so-called “dogwood pillow”). 2. Spine type single (coronarium, burgundy tree). Most often, such trees can be found in Crimea and Turkmenistan. The beard from the branches turns out burgundy, and the trees themselves are thin, stocky and extremely abundant. 3. The type of beard or spine is feathery (salicifolium). Such trees can reach great heights, but most often they are limited to a height of 5-7 meters. However, they have a very lush crown (up to 9 meters in diameter).