Age Teenage

Adolescence is a period of physical and psychological development of a person, which lasts from 11 to 19 years. This is a time when teenagers become more independent and self-reliant and also face a variety of social, emotional and sexual challenges.

Physical development during adolescence is associated with changes in hormonal balance, which can lead to various changes in the body. This can manifest itself in bone growth and development, weight changes, increased muscle mass, etc. In addition, teenagers may experience problems with their skin, hair and teeth.

Psychological development during adolescence also has its own characteristics. Teenagers become more independent and independent, but at the same time they do not yet have sufficient experience and knowledge to make decisions on their own. They become interested in their appearance, relationships with the opposite sex and other aspects of life. At this age, teenagers often make mistakes and face difficulties that can lead to mental problems.

During adolescence, children often begin to experience sexual desires and emotions. This can make them feel anxious and insecure, and can lead to conflicts with parents or peers. Parents and educators should be alert to the fact that teens may become interested in sex and relationships, and should help them develop these skills without compromising their health and